European vision for development and work of the national network Belgrade, 15 June 2012 Luk Zelderloo This event is sponsored by the PROGRESS Partnership.


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Presentation transcript:

European vision for development and work of the national network Belgrade, 15 June 2012 Luk Zelderloo This event is sponsored by the PROGRESS Partnership Programme, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and the Programme ‘Support to Civil Society’, both of the European Commission

1. Key dimensions of Networking 2. Stakeholder cooperation: a strategic choice

1. Key Dimensions of Networking Conceptual dimension -Values and Principles Structural dimension -Formal agreements & Transparent structure Operational dimension -Tangible outcomes and results

Conceptual dimension Do’s & Don’ts Be absent Make differences explicit Hop Skip Jump: exploring, elaborating, concluding “United in Diversity” Adopting the culture

Do’s & Don’ts Be there Secure consensus Keep rhythm and direction Need is the mother of invention Starting separately… Structural dimension

Do’s & Don’ts Mandate! Let figures talk Words motivate, examples activate Recognise and ignore territories Follow the procedure Operational dimension

Not one way 3 Demons The carnivore plant The hedgehog The cane The way forward

Indirect steering and influencing Flexibility … you might brake Celebrate success Build identity The way forward

Networking = the art of managing the paradox Losing time = winning time Lots of efforts = few results The more formal … the more dependent on individuals The way forward

2. Stakeholder cooperation: a strategic choice

A stakeholder approach We live and work in a complex society: Different actors Different interests Different parties Different opinions … Effective and successful implementation of policies is needed → win-win situation

Stakeholder’s concept A stakeholder approach is about creating tools and instruments to organise the communication between all parties involved StakeholderShareholder Involved in the serviceOwner

Actions when developing a stakeholder approach 1. Identify all stakeholders: who are the persons / bodies / authorities / networks / services / structures involved? Example related to the disability sector: a.people in need, service users b.staff c.authorities at all levels d.researchers e.service providers, local actors (church, sports club, neighbourhood) g.parents, family members

2. Identify different roles and responsibilities during the different phases of policy development: Advocacy Service provision Research General interest … Actions when developing a stakeholder approach

Policy development Involvement OrientationIdentification of needs Decision- making Implemen- tation Evaluation & feedback Social Service Providers Advocacy Groups Authorities SSP A AG A A A 3. Stakeholder roles & responsibilities during # phases Actions when developing a stakeholder approach

4. Stakeholder management: bring into balance the different perspectives of the different stakeholders the expectations of the various stakeholders (aims & objectives) a dialogue technique (letters, telephone contact, hearing, structural contact, …) c.organise feedback: do people agree with what you identified as needs and the dialogue method (a+b) ? d.Implementation of outcomes (of the dialogue and feedback, b+c) Weight of the input, value of the opinion / advice / decision / co-decision of a stakeholder e.Develop indicators to measure in what way the outcomes were implemented (d) Actions when developing a stakeholder approach

Instruments for stakeholder cooperation 1.Sectoral agreements 2.Service level agreements (SLA) 3.Contracts and protocols 4.Integration in Quality Assurance Systems (QAS) 5.Integration in governance approach

Conclusion : Good governance = Internal and external challenges

Thank You With the support of the PROGRESS Partnership Programme and the Programme ‘Support to Civil Society’ of the European Commission