Master Gardener Program of Riverside County Master Gardener Program of Riverside County Our Mission …. to bring UCCE research-based horticulture information to you!
Who We Are Volunteer Gardeners Just Like You Trained and Certified Master Gardeners in Riverside County Utilize UCCE and MG Peer Reviewed material
Home Vegetable Gardening
Reason to grow Vegetables You know how it was grown Vine ripe – Full flavor and fresh Varieties and texture Connection with nature Food Banks
LET’S GET STARTED Choose best site for your garden Prepare & amend soil Water and Irrigation Planning the Garden/Area Tools and Equipment
BEST SIT FOR THE GARDEN Full Sunlight Hours a Day Level Well drained soil Near a water source
PREPARING THE SOIL Ideal soil - loose, crumbly Add Organic Matter Amendments (GYPSUM) Remember- Compost, Mulch, Compost, Mulch, Compost…
WATER & IRRIGATION Water Deep & Slow Water Times a week Water Consistently Use Drip Irrigation & Mulch
Planning The Vegetable Garden Efficient use of space Make a map of space Draw vegetables on map warm and cool season requirements Annual or Perianal Tall plants on North side Include planting dates
VEGETABLE PLANTING AREAS Raised Beds Containers Square Foot Gardening
TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Hand Trowel - transplanting Hoe - digging up weeds Spade or spading fork-turning soil Metal Rake - smoothing soil after spading Shovel - digging holes, moving soil Yardstick, twine & stakes - straight lines Clippers - harvesting your crop
WEEDING Remove & Control Weeds They starve plants of nutrients! Cultivate, Pull or dig, Scrape surface Mulch - inhibits weeds
SELECTING VEGETABLES Pick vegetables you like to eat! Think about the Plants Production Use Disease Resistant varieties Choose Colorful Vegetables
Asian Greens
Berries Strawberries Blueberries Cane Berries
Grapes European Hybrid Pruning Key To Production
Smaller Evergreen Fruit Trees Dwarf and Semi - kumquats – Pineapple and strawberry guava
Deciduous Seasonal Trees Apple Peach, Nectarine Pear Persimmon Pomegranate Plum, Pluot Look for “Low Chill” varieties, keep small, plant 3-4 to a hole…
You Don’t have room Try “Growing Up” ↑
“Growing Up ” Strawberries In A Bag Grapes On A Fence
Grapes up and over an arbor
Decorative and functional Supports
Rebar makes flexible and sculptural Supports
Grow salad or strawberries in an old French Riddling rack
Same idea done two different ways
Espalier Growing and pruning trees flat to a wall Use supports to start When pruning know how tree fruits
Edible outdoor room
Raised Beds Pro Easy to reach for young and old Best drainage Use on almost any site Con- Cost look for reclaimed materials Master Gardener Tip Drip on a timer
Use your imagination – Reclaimed Materials – Pipes – Conduit
Reclaimed Materials
More Reclaimed Materials
Strawberries as groundcover Great on slopes Think out side the garden
Take Vegetables and fruits out of the garden Table Top Topiary Bay Tiny Citrus – Kumquat – Calamondin Hedges Blueberries Edges Thyme Oregano Cilantro and Parsley
Small Herb Edges
HARVESTING & STORING Picking Vegetables Early morning = best flavor Keeping Vegetables Fresh Store at proper temperatures
Harvest Saving and Sharing Harvest = Celebration for hungry people. Share “Putting up” food Share Freeze Preserve Dry
The Ocean Begins at Your Front Door Protect your Watershed Conserve Water Nothing Down The Drain Fertilize Carefully= – When that plant is growing – Less is more – No overthrow – Read directions
Useful Websites & Information UC Vegetable Research & Information Center Gardening Information Pest Notes Weeds Mulch Online Order Catalog for UC Publications California Master Gardener Handbook Home Vegetable Gardening, Publication # Pests of the Garden & Small Farm, Publication # 3332 Local Hotline
Call or the UCCE MG of Riverside County HOTLINE Gardening Questions?