Engaging Young Parents in Barry Area Gill Joyce – Specialist Midwife for Teenagers Kim Jones – Specialist Flying Start Health Visitor
Flying Start –Midwifery –Health Visiting –Social worker –Parenting Workers –Dietician –Speech and Language Therapist –Early Years Practitioners –Educational Psychologist –Liaison/Basic Skills Tutor –Child Care Co-ordinator Project for Young Parents Barry College –Building –Tutors –Registration for examinations –Counselling Education –Pupil Referral Unit –Education Welfare Officers Social services –LAC –Child Protection Register Partnership
Referral from GP or midwife Midwife visits in home and works with parent around their individual needs. 1 st visit: Discuss options e.g. Health, Birth, Social and Educational needs. 2 nd visit: Build relationship and make referrals to appropriate services within Flying Start. Holistic Service
Health: –Sexual Health –Healthy Lifestyle choices –Breastfeeding Workshops –Blooming Healthy –Smoking cessation/alcohol and drugs –Domestic Violence Birth: –Place of delivery –Preparation for birth – Bumps to Birth –Care of infant/NBAS/Baby Massage Options Available
SOCIAL NEEDS –Referral to Flying Start Social Worker –Housing/Benefits/grants –Support Networks (local authorities) –Life Coach –Option 2 (as appropriate) –Atal-y-Fro – Dads – Men behaving Dadly
SEXUAL HEALTH Family Planning Drop In – Barry Young Peoples Sexual Health Drop In – Barry College Sexual Health Awareness Session to support educational curriculum C Card Scheme – Gladstone College
Gladstone College: Parents first What we offer –Qualifications ranging from Entry 2 to key skills level 2. –Peer Support –Learning Mentor Health input/Flying Start Midwife and Health Visitor and Team Education
Developing confidence and self esteem Qualifications Further education –63% progress onto full time courses at BC Parenting skills –Good quality childcare –Parenting Courses Work ethic Language and Play Education
Parenting Programme Offered Confident Teenage Mum NBAS Incredible Years Baby Programme Get Cooking/ Health Snacks Incredible Years Toddler Programme Baby Massage You Make The Difference
Statistics for Gladstone PYP
How many girls and babies? For the period , 51 young women have enrolled and 34 completed the academic year
- 31 key skills portfolios in English - 33 key skills in Numeracy - 31 key skills in IT - 5 OCN Business Documentation - 1 Clait What was achieved
- 20 young women progressed onto full time courses at Barry College - 8 continued their education at PYP - 2 went on to find employment - 4 spent a year at home with their baby What Happened Next?
Out of 51 Mums and babies who have enrolled at the project between , 48% of these have social work involvement Social Work Involvement
Increased self esteem Planning future pregnancies Peer support Life coaching Community of interest Resources Out of Poverty/Into Work RESULTING SOCIAL BENEFITS
The package of care is designed around each individuals needs. Progression from teenage child to competent and confident parent. Partnership working to improve engagement with young Mums/Dads Promoting development and interaction with infant. The longest journey begins with the first steps. Conclusion