Family Relationship Centre
Acknowledgement I wish to acknowledge that we are meeting on the traditional Country of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains and pay respect to Elders past and present.
Closed door…….open windows Helping families to better understand when children who resist contact
What I would hope you gain out of this session An understanding that children resisting contact is complex An understanding of the Child Inclusive Practice process The importance of Child Inclusive Practice as a necessary intervention
Overview Case studies: Ryan's story Background….mum and dad The Children's experiences of separation and conflict Working in unity, integrated services,counselling,special services,MDF,FDR and CIP
Closed door… windows..
Ryan's story
Ryan’s story
Ryan's Story
Ryan's story
Ryan's Story
Ryan’s Messages
Hearing bad things about mum From Grandpa rents From Dad From Uncles and Aunts… cousins Hearing bad things about Dad From Mum From Step dad/ Uncle Conflict between mum and dad Conflict between dad and step dad No parental alliance Strong attachments to mum
Closed doors…… A continuum of children’s relationships with parents after separation and divorce A continuum of children’s relationships with parents after separation and divorce..Kelly and Johnston “The Alienated child”
Ryan’s affinity with mum His age and attachment to mum High conflict Need for parental support/education/assistance Utilise the strengths of the parent…find the expert within Strategies and options that could work for each family…tailored
A new journey begins
Closed door…open windows
Child Inclusive Practice CIP always present at Case Management Working collaboratively….FDRP/CIP/Supervisors/ Hear the child FDRP/CIP feedback strategies Opportunities for co-mediation Utilise and integrate services
Integrated Model approach Anglicare WA Family Separation services: Children’s contact Service(C.C.S.) Mum’s and Dad’s Forever ( M.D.F) Supporting Children after separation programme ( S.C.A.S.P.’s) Family Relationship Centre(FRC) Child Inclusive Practice (CIP) Step-families WA
Closed door….?......hope? Open windows
Closed doors…open windows Please contact FRSA if you would like to view this video
Closed door….open windows Thank You!