Inanimate Alice Episode 5 Switzerland >>
My name is Alice. I’m 18 years old. >>
I’m in Switzerland >>
We just came back from England The men from Russia are after us. >>
We live in an apartment. Well I’m not so sure if we are living in here because the men are after us. >>
I heard the door creek open. I ran upstairs to my room >>
I heard my mum screaming. I went downstairs to have a look. >>
My mum was crying. She told me that the men from Russia got John. I was scared and worried and joined the crying with Ming. >>
I turn on my player and start playing a game I made. >>
My house looks like this... >>
I am in shock. My mum comes up into my room. She holds me tight and says everything is going to be ok. >>
My mum tells me to go to sleep. I don’t think everything is going to be ok. >>
The next morning Ming took me to a chocolate shop. >>
When we got there Ming and I ordered chocolate. There were heaps of chocolates to choose from. >>
I was about to choose my chocolate but then my mum whispered into my ear. >>
“Those are the men that took John. We should follow them.” >>
We got off our seats and followed the men. We ended up at this run down small factory. The men went through a door. >>
I spotted a hole and I looked trough it. I told my mum to come and have a look. >>
It was John! He was tied to a pole with a gag on his mouth. >>
Ming rang the police. >>
Ahhhhhh! The men grabbed us and took us both to where John was. They gagged us and tied us to a pole next to John. >>
I overheard them. They were planning to blow up this place with us in it! >>
We heard a siren. The police arrived. The men got all of their weapons. Guns fired and bullets went everywhere. >>
The police had to call reinforcements. They sent a swat squad to sneak in and get us. >>
A man came. He got out a stun grenade and threw it at the men. >>
BOOOOM!! I saw nothing but white and I was defended. >>
When we got our sight back we saw the two men in handcuffs and all of the police. >>
The police united us and took us back home. I am glad that my dad is back and he’s not in trouble anymore. I hope I go back to Saudi Arabia and meet up with my friends and Ayisha! >>
By Giacco Studios