My life and how Tuberous Sclerosis and Autism effect me!
What is Tuberous Sclerosis – TSC TSC is a genetic condition that can lead to tumours in various organs of the body, but those most commonly affected are the brain, eyes, heart, kidney, skin and lungs. Social skills There are high rates of autism and Asperger’s syndrome in TSC. Some people with TSC find it difficult making and keeping friends, even if they may not have autism or Asperger’s. Each month 10 babies are born in the UK with TSC..
How Tuberous Sclerosis affects me Brain tumours EpilepsyAutism Speech difficulties Depression Learning difficulties Kidney tumours infections Kidney failure Eye tumours Visual problems Skin Tumours Facial tumours Bullying Low Self esteem
Early Years Born 27 th July 1989 September 1990 Diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis (TS) 1991 Started nursery 1:1 support 1994 Started mainstream (statemented) 1997 Failed mainstream, moved to St Philips
Secondary years Moved to Isle of Wight – St Georges Special School Started IOW college achieved B tech in Animal Care 2010 attended Canine Design grooming School with mum 2011 Established own grooming business with parental support
Adult Life I live at home with my parents Mum supports me to enable me to work dog grooming I have a small group of friends with learning disabilities I also suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis and have ongoing hospital visits and treatment I am supported by a LA personal budget which focuses on develop my independence and socialising skills
Current projects Working with a local author I am writing a book called Autism diaries – a fictional account of the life of an autistic girl I write poetry for pleasure My Life – A poem by Alison