When we are very young, choosing clothes for us is easy because we don’t offer an argument for the clothes that our parents dress us. However when we are a bit older and develop our opinions, the clothes selection can be a bit more difficult. As we advance our teenage years, we look at fashion as a means of self- expression and do not welcome our parents' input. Since their choices are sometimes viewed as inappropriate by mum and dad, however, some conflict is inevitable.
The conflicts begin mainly when we become teenagers because the gap between parents and children increases a lot and their relationship is not very good. Teenagers get influences of pop singers and try to imitate them but most parents object to their teen children wearing similar clothing and when they are still young, parents set the guidelines. Teenagers can have some say in what they wear, of course, but the final word needs to come from the parents. There are also conflicts among teenagers because they are identified with different styles and have difficulties in belonging to some groups. Sometimes there are conflicts among the groups. The important thing is get the chance to express themselves and feel that their opinions are being heard and respected.
“Fashion is not something that exists in dress only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”