Overall Purpose To support lead teachers to develop their understanding in literacy to effectively lead the implementation of the New Zealand Curriculum Reading and Writing Standards.
Today’s Purpose To clarify the understandings and processes around OTJ’s To use rich texts and tasks as evidence to support an OTJ To reflect on the key messages and learning from this sessions to develop and empower staff at school To evaluate the lead teacher cluster meetings
Share One Get One What have you been up to around effective teaching and quality learning in your school since we last met? Is there anything from the sharing that you think would be relevant to the whole group?
Key elements that contribute to making OTJ’s Individually, on a piece of paper, create a brainstorm of all of the words (concepts) that you believe are necessary for teachers in order to successfully be able to make an Overall Teacher Judgement (OTJ) in reading and / or writing
Professional Readings Reading #1: “National Standards Fact Sheet : Overall Teacher Judgement” Reading #2: “Using the Reading and Writing Standards” pg 13 “What processes and understandings will teachers need to know and understand to successfully be able to make Overall Teacher Judgements?”
Creating Concept Maps Using your prior knowledge and learning from the professional readings, create a concept map of the process and information required for teachers to be able to successfully make Overall Teacher Judgements in literacy. Share and justify your decisions…What were the challenges? What are you already doing well as a school? What changes need to happen in classroom practice to gain evidence?
Conducting an OTJ Use the blank triangulation diagram to list the evidence you have. Analyse the gap between what you have available and what is required. What else we would need to assist us with making an OJT? Make your OTJ based on the evidence you have. Use the National Standards and LLP to decide on the next learning steps for the student.
Note: The school will have to make the decision about what constitutes enough evidence. You will not have to go through this process for each student. It is for those that sit on the borderline or the cusp. For each piece of evidence find the best fit. You find a best fit for that student regardless of their year so that the next steps can be clearly identified. The standards are a tool to inform teaching and learning.
Reflection After doing this OTJ process … Are there any points that you need to go back and share with your staff? What areas within the OTJ process might your staff need assistance with?
Rich Texts and Rich Tasks Discussion / Think, Pair, Share: What is a “rich” text? Why do we need to use “rich texts” in our reading programmes? Refer ELP 1-4 p , ELP 5-8 p
Rich Texts and Rich Tasks Mum’s Octopus “What are the learning opportunities (affordances) that you could explore using this text?” ELP pgs 121 – 123
Rich Texts and Rich Tasks Pt 3 No –Brooklyn School Writers walk Pt 4 No –Deer of deer Pt 2 No –Killer Plants Pt 2 No –Buttons Whitebait season Did you shake your tail feathers?
Reflection How will you share information about “Rich texts” with your staff? How can you support, or encourage your teachers to share the different ways that a text can be used for multiple purposes with other staff members? What PD will your staff need?
Cluster Evaluation
Cluster wiki for materials and power points from sessions