ACCI speaks on behalf of businesses at a national and international level 1 2009 CUBED Communications Click to edit title Date Month Year What does Industry want from the VET sector? Jenny Lambert Director – Employment, Education & Training Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry 3 September2014
ACCI speaks on behalf of businesses at a national and international level 2
Value of Training Deliver skills that the economy needs Skills development and an employment participation outcome 3 Value adds to the economy Portability public benefit v private benefit Who pays?
ACCI speaks on behalf of businesses at a national and international level How is the Value realised? Micro level – by the provider Training needs to meet industry needs – up to date, relevant Underpinning generic or employability skills Industry engagement High quality assessment Work integrated learning Macro level – policy settings Training packages based on industry input National regulator Consistent approach Well funded 4
ACCI speaks on behalf of businesses at a national and international level What industry wants in VET 5 Skills across the board - Skills development is needed at all levels and should match the needs of the marketplace Industry driven system – not just in name only Quality outcomes Better bang for the buck – efficiency and effectiveness
ACCI speaks on behalf of businesses at a national and international level COAG Targets Halve the proportion of Australians without qualifications at Certificate III or higher by 2020 Double the number of higher level (Diploma and Advanced Diploma) qualification completions by 2020 40% of year olds to be degree qualified Question: Do they all add up and most importantly match industry needs? 6
ACCI speaks on behalf of businesses at a national and international level What has happened since the National Agreement in April 2012 Spent a lot of money Change happening on key words, like entitlement and transparency but no overall strategy or narrative States implementing training reform in their own way and trying to save themselves from major budget blow outs Change to the gatekeeper in September 2013 In many cases thrown the baby out with the bathwater Potential impact of higher education reforms on diplomas and advanced diplomas 7
ACCI speaks on behalf of businesses at a national and international level Apprenticeships in Freefall Particularly the non-trades have plummeted Previous Federal Government talked big on skills but dramatically decreased apprenticeship incentives. Even trades have taken a hit – wages have had a major impact 8
ACCI speaks on behalf of businesses at a national and international level Quality is still the key 9 Training Packages –industry input Provider standards Poor providers are not only dragging others down, they are shifting policy in the wrong direction National regulation – equal oversight for public and private sector on a risk assessment approach Australian Skills & Quality Authority (ASQA).
ACCI speaks on behalf of businesses at a national and international level VET Reform Actively engaged with the Federal Government in future directions New approach to standards – providers and training packages Hoping to improve the outcomes from the national agreement with the States Better embedding the voice of industry into the structures and negotiations, including with the States Improving apprenticeship commitment and outcomes Negotiating on the Industry skills fund 10
ACCI speaks on behalf of businesses at a national and international level Schools 11 Review of VET in schools Review of outcomes of Trade Training Centres Minimum requirements for literacy and numeracy Employability Skills
ACCI speaks on behalf of businesses at a national and international level Challenges for the Sport, Fitness and Recreation industry Not in the critical industries – not on any needs list. Struggle for funding Personal Fitness training not taken seriously – but you are not alone 12
ACCI speaks on behalf of businesses at a national and international level 13 2009 CUBED Communications Click to edit title Date Month Year What does industry want? Jenny Lambert Thank you and questions