Course Monitoring and the Student Dashboard Part of the ITEAM Project Julie Vuolo
Course monitoring and the Student Dashboard A development which pulls together information about VLE (module level) engagement and assessment performance and displays it in a student and staff view within the VLE To help students with the self-regulation of their studies. To help staff identify where support for individuals or groups of students might be needed
Filter students Set threshold
Traffic lights Modules Average grade
Student input..wanted to know where they were in relation to others as this would be a motivator to do better..felt it would not de-motivate them to know they were at the lower end of the league table...said the currency of data is important if dashboard is to be meaningful to them..would like a predictor or calculator for working out final classification..wanted re-assurance that their information would only be seen by ‘those needing it’..were interested in what else could go in there e.g. book loans, module pass/fail rates
Design considerations General, Access, Display, Content, Support Access Levels of staff access need to be agreed & processes developed to gate-keep access It should be clear to staff and students what levels of access exist Entry to the SPD should be quick and easy e.g. icon click on homepage Effective filters should be employed to allow staff to access relevant information quickly Links to other University information systems should be embedded in the SPD e.g. University Policies and Regulations on classification
Design considerations Display Page content should be signposted clearly to aid navigation within the dashboard Data should be presented in a simple, unambiguous manner for clarity of meaning and to promote engagement Colour schemes should be simple and consistent to ensure clarity of presentation and to promote engagement Support There must be education for student and teachers about using the SPD Education should target staff and students and include how to access and functionality, limitations and data interpretation.
Average Grade for Module Hits
Potential What other data would be useful to influence learning and teaching?