Barcelona targets : where do we stand? Main findings of the European Commission report Muriel Bissières, Gender Equality Unit, DG Justice 29 April 2013, Dublin
Barcelona targets : where do we stand? 1.Context / why achieving the Barcelona targets? 2.State of play 3.EU action to support the achievement of the Barcelona targets
1 Context
2002 European council in Barcelona Provide childcare for 33% of children up to 3 and 90% of children from 3 to compulsory school age by 2010 European pact for gender equality renewed commitment
Why achieving the Barcelona targets? To reach EU2020 goals Employment Poverty School drop out To reach gender equality
Relation between the employment rates of women with youngest child below 6 years old and share of children in formal childcare (2010) Source: EU-SILC and Labour Force Survey
Source: OECD Family Database 2012; OECD Database on Earnings Distribution. Relation between the gender pay gap and share of children in formal childcare (2008)
2 State of Play
Proportion of children up to 3 years cared for by formal arrangements 2010
Proportion of children from 3 years to mandatory school age cared for by formal arrangements 2010
Around one quarter of women working part-time or inactive due to care responsibilities (15-64 y) declare they can’t work more because of unsuitable childcare facilities
Barriers preventing parents from using childcare services Figure refers to EU-27 (without DK and SE) women not working or working part-time for reasons linked with childcare. Source: EU-LFS 2010 AHM
Components of net childcare costs in 2008 for dual-earner couple family Source: OECD (2011), Doing Better for Families, Figure 4.A2.1 A. Notes: *Where the partner earns the average wage and the female partner earns 50% of the average wage.
Formal care use by income quintiles, households with a child <3 year, 2010
Working conditions in the sector remain fragile Many unqualified people are still working in the area In most countries high turnover because of part-time or atypical hours is common The sector is characterized by a predominantly female workforce
Parents need to combine different solutions % of children in informal care 2010
3 EU Support
Young children Children in school- age Elderly / dependant relative affordable and high quality care services adequate family- related leave flexible work arrangements Reconciliation between work and private life, a global approach : ♀ ♂
LEGISLATION Revised parental leave directive Maternity leave directive Working time directive FUNDS Use of the Structural Funds to develop childcare facilities
SOFT LAW Member States' performances on childcare / monitoring the Barcelona targets. Country-specific recommendations on work-life balance policies
OTHER ACTIONS Study on the role of men, out-of school care services, elderly care Production of statistical report on reconciling work and private life Exchange of good practices on flexible working time arrangements and on childcare
OTHER ACTIONS European quality framework for ECEC Evaluation of legislation, policy and practice on child participation
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