26 May 2005UNECE Trade Facilitation in the WTO context 1 GATT Article V Broader aspects and implementation tools available Guus Jacobs Chairperson Working Party on Customs Questions affecting Transport (WP.30)
26 May 2005UNECE Trade Facilitation in the WTO context 2 To facilitate international cross border transport of goods through -Establishment of the right of transit -Simplified Customs procedures for transit Why transit rules? To protect safety, security and Customs revenue through -Enforcement of Customs and other controls -Application of guarantee provisions
26 May 2005UNECE Trade Facilitation in the WTO context 3 What is at stake? EU: Border crossing difficulties € 12 billion annually SADC: Border delay costs US$50-60 million per year IRU: 40 documents for European transport
26 May 2005UNECE Trade Facilitation in the WTO context 4 Annex E on Transit Definition Transit versus transshipment Itineraries and time limits Annex G on Temporary Importation Definition International transit tools Kyoto Convention (WCO)
26 May 2005UNECE Trade Facilitation in the WTO context 5 Integrated border management framework In-country cooperation between authorities Cooperation between neighbouring countries Controls Customs, veterinary, sanitary, phytosanitary, technical compliance, quality Transport mode specific (road, rail) Visa International transit tools (2) Harmonization Convention (UNECE)
26 May 2005UNECE Trade Facilitation in the WTO context 6 Harmonization Convention (UNECE) International transit tools (3)
26 May 2005UNECE Trade Facilitation in the WTO context 7 Only international transit procedure Distinguishing features Secure loading compartment (trucks and containers, i.e. intermodal) Standardized unique document (TIR Carnet) International guarantee Mutual recognition Controlled access Itineraries, time-limits, escorts International transit tools (4) TIR Convention (UNECE)
26 May 2005UNECE Trade Facilitation in the WTO context 8 TIR Convention (UNECE) (cont’d) International transit tools (5)
26 May 2005UNECE Trade Facilitation in the WTO context 9 TIR Convention (UNECE) (cont’d) International transit tools (6)
26 May 2005UNECE Trade Facilitation in the WTO context 10 Private vehicles (UNECE) 77 Contracting Parties Commercial vehicles (UNECE 39 Contracting Parties Boats (UNECE) 25 Contracting Parties Containers (WCO) 30 Contracting Parties Goods ATA (WCO) 63 Contracting Parties International transit tools (8) Temporary Importation Conventions
26 May 2005UNECE Trade Facilitation in the WTO context 11 Other relevant UNECE transport tools Road Traffic (61 Contracting Parties) Road code, driving permit etc. Perishable goods, ATP (40 States) Facilitates transport of fresh produce Dangerous goods, (40 States) Ensures safety in the transport of dangerous goods
26 May 2005UNECE Trade Facilitation in the WTO context 12 Bilateral transport and transit agreements Multilateral transport and transit agreements Shanghai Cooperation Organization GMS Framework Agreement COMESA Transit Guarantee Agreement Andean Community International Transit Agreement Examples of Bilateral and multilateral transit tools
26 May 2005UNECE Trade Facilitation in the WTO context 13 Review of definitions: Transit (WCO) Transit duties (different to infrastructure costs) Mutual recognition (controls, qualifications) Focus on existing Agreements & standards Consider market access issues (barriers) Permits, visa, vehicle standards etc. Include automation aspect Ensure implementation/application through capacity building Issues for consideration
26 May 2005UNECE Trade Facilitation in the WTO context 14 Thank you very much for your attention Guus Jacobs Ministry of Finance Customs Policy and Legislation Diratorate Phone: Fax: