A Framework for Communicating, Collaborating, and Coordinating A Framework for Communicating, Collaborating, and Coordinating Michael Huerta Co-Chair, NIH Blueprint Coordinating Committee Associate Director, NIMH
Nervous System Disorders Account for 6 of the top 10 causes of death* Affect 1 in 3 Americans Cost over $500 billion per year** Major impact on: –academic performance –workplace productivity –social functioning –quality of life Sources: *CDC; **SfN Fact Page
Urgent need to: Accelerate progress in neuroscienceAccelerate progress in neuroscience Maximize bang for the research buckMaximize bang for the research buck
NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research 16 Institutes, Centers, Offices (ICOs) Focus on cross-cutting activities Communicate and adopt best practices Coordinate the planning & funding of: –Research and development of tools –Education, training, & career development –Research resources $26 million from ICOs (0.6 % neuroscience) $12 million from NIH Office of the Director
Fiscal Year 2005 Initiatives GENSAT (gene expression map) Expansion Microarray Consortium Expansion Pediatric MRI of Normal Development Expansion Neurobiology of Disease Curriculum Development International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility Neuroscience Information Framework
Fiscal Year 2006 Initiatives Neuromouse – repatriate, develop, and validate driver mouse lines for important genes Institutional Training Initiatives –Neuroimaging – Physics to Physiology –Computational neuroscience –Neurobiology of disease Interdisciplinary Core Facility Centers Neuroimaging Tools and Resources –Clearinghouse for informatics (NITRC) –Imaging activation in ms & mm resolution Neuroepidemiology Instrument
FY 2007: Neurodegeneration Biomarkers Research Therapeutics Delivery Strategies Interdisciplinary Career Development Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Training Human retinal degeneration
FY 2008: Neurodevelopment Normal Brain Development, Age Monoclonal Antibodies Tools for Marking Neural Circuits Gene Expression Map of the Primate Brain
FY 2009: Neuroplasticity Probes and instrumentation for monitoring and manipulating neuroplasticity
FY 2010: Blueprint Grand Challenges
Blueprint Grand Challenge: The Human Connectome Project Purpose -To develop and share knowledge about the structural and functional connectivity of the healthy, adult human brain Goals - To have delivered at the end of five years: – Optimized non-invasive imaging tools and methods to collect human connectivity data, in vivo – High-quality, well-characterized, multi-modal, quantitative datasets of human connectivity linked to genetic & behavioral data from hundreds of subjects – Dissemination of data, models, and tools to the research community via outreach activities and an informatics platform