AHM. Bazlur Rahman-S21BR Chief Executive Officer Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication | CONNECTED AGRICULTURE & PROTECTED FUTURE Case Study Session: Infrastructure & Connectivity Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka, December 3rd & 4th, 2014 Community Radio to Communicate Agricultural Information
World Summit on the Information Society World Summit on the Information Society Action Line: c1- c11 C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life -E-government -E-business -E-learning -E-health -E-employment -E-environment - E-agriculture -E-science 3
7 Community Radios : 14 Functional & 18 will start by June 2015 Total Broadcast Hour : 120 Hours Coverage : 67 Upazillas of 13 District Population: 4.6 Millions Community Broadcasters: 1000 Youth Women and Youth About Contents: Education, Information, Entertainment and Development Motivation
8 Community Radio to Communicate Agricultural Information is to provide information/knowledge to assist farmers in increasing productivity of, and income from farm operations : Broadcasting program covering a wide spectrum of topics in agriculture with special focus on isolated areas and marginalized population. Repeat broadcasts at different time slots to suit the viewer’s convenience of different segments of population Disseminate program in local dialects for the specific needs of different regions. Promote live programming with phone-in feature, so that the viewers may interact and participate in the ongoing broadcasts. Capacity building program to help upgrade the knowledge and expertise of program producer, Listeners Clubs and Farmers.
9 Program Format: Drama Features Interviews Panels and discussions Documentary Voice of people Magazine Phone in
Listeners feedback: More and more field-based program should be broadcast Technical terms should be explained in easy language Weather bulletin should be broadcast regularly in local dialects Toll free phone-in-facilities should be made available for listeners Program on marketing of agricultural products should be broadcast Give detail about various types of govt. loan & subsidy schemes 10
11 Challenges