Slab Vessel Simplicity Design-Linear movement
Project Requirements Vessel will contain 3 slabs only. 2 sides and a bottom. Vessel ( sides ) must be an organic shape. You can make a template or free hand this shape. Organic shape- a free flowing shape based around natural forms. Often irregular and curved. Vessel must contain a foot ( feet ), a raised area on the bottom of the piece. Surface ( the two sides ) must be decorated in sgraffito and/or wax resist. The surface embellishment must depict an abstract design that depicts movement. This design can drawn with either shapes or lines or both. Two different designs that show both the organic shape and the linear surface design must be handed in prior to starting the project.
Sgraffito- means to scratch in Italian. The application of a different color slip/ underglaze over a leatherhard piece. Let the slip get leatherhard and draw or “scratch” the slip away. Usually a red clay vessel and white slip application or the opposite. Another approach is to apply underglaze while leatherhard and follow the same process.
Wax resist