Container / Vase / Bottle / Urn or Jar Container any construction
Slab Constructed Minimum dimension 8” Maximum dimension 10”
Slab Constructed with wheel work If you are good enough to throw, you may use wheel thrown attachments You may make entirely on the wheel
Slab Container You may use any technique that you have learned to construct, but you must use ONE of the following decoration techniques Relief Bas-relief Sgraffito
Slab Containers Relief, bas-relief and Sgraffito rhythm repetition organic or geometric Figurative abstract
Slab Container Choose 3 elements APPLYING Balance Movement Rhythm
Utilitarian (functional) or decorative and nonfunctional
Slab Container Depending on your idea, the 8-10 inch height requirement may be altered
Grading Scale 1.inadequate zero 2.low below average average above average excels
Evaluation Following objectives Independent Problem solving Work ethic Construction technique Composition Finished surface Sgraffito, relief, or bas-relief 700 points possible Bonus opportunity: Fitted lid and Handles