10L Simulations Close to current Titan parameters. Here’s the big picture… electron diagnostic “target planes” every 25  m preplasma L = 5μm (3) LASER.


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Presentation transcript:

10L Simulations Close to current Titan parameters. Here’s the big picture… electron diagnostic “target planes” every 25  m preplasma L = 5μm (3) LASER = 1  m 4 x W/cm 2 w o = 5μm sine 2 envelope w/ τ = 55 fs or 500 fs propagates along +x z-polarized 800μm 300μm solid-density Cu+ ions 30  m of vacuum front and back. electron density in 1/cm 3 Buried Cone tip diameter was 10  m. (We have results for 5 and 20  m as well.) (2) GRID 2D Cartesian x z (1) TARGETS Flats and buried cones Exponential preplasma (4) RUN DURATION ~5 ps BURIED CONE DETAIL

Slab target: Integrated signal (4.5 ps) Background present, but it’s flat and doesn’t change the apparent spot size. K α spot size is larger due to wings in the background. Electrons ≥ 8keV K α Electrons ≥ 8keV K α

Divergence: “Prompt” electrons ≥ 1MeV Prompt Buried Cone Electrons - 70° Prompt Slab Electrons - 72° Significant refluxing from the sides at these depths.

Divergence: Integrated signal (4.5ps) Buried Cone Electrons - 78° Slab Electrons - 70° Buried Cone Kα - 87° Slab Kα - 105° Significant refluxing from the sides at these depths.