TEQIP-II Institutions Engineering System ENG001 Case study on BRIDGES Civil Engg. Group TEQIP-II Institutions
Session-1 Concepts Tension - a force which acts to expand or lengthen the thing it is acting on. Compression - a force which acts to compress or shorten the thing it is acting on. Compression Tension
Session-1 Concepts Bending - When something pushes down on the beam, the beam bends. Its top edge is pushed together, and its bottom edge is pulled apart. Stresses Deflection
Session-2 Concepts Span- the distance between two bridge supports, whether they are columns, towers . Factor of safety Loads L= Length of Bridge
Session-2 Concepts Freeboard The difference between H.F.L. (allowing afflux) and formation level of road embankment on approaches. H.F.L. Highest flood level is the level of highest flood ever recorded or the calculated level for design discharge. Afflux The rise in the flood level of the river immediately on the upstream of a bridge as a result of obstruction to natural flow caused by the construction of bridge and its approaches.
What is a need of Bridges? Session-3 What is a need of Bridges? A bridge is a structure providing passage over an obstacle without closing the way beneath. The required passage may be for a road, a railway, pedestrians, a canal or a pipeline. The obstacle to be crossed may be a river, a road, railway or a valley. In other words, bridge is a structure for carrying the road traffic or other moving loads over a depression or obstruction such as channel, road or railway.
Historical Background Session-3 Historical Background Primitive Peoples: Logs Slabs of Rocks Intertwined Vines or Ropes Roman Empire First Great Bridge Builders Timber Truss Bridges Masonry Arch Bridges Europeans Followed HRE Until Iron and Steel Use Nineteenth Century— Modern Long Bridges Moveable Bridges
Session-3 Famous Bridges Millau Viaduct, France: Erasmus Bridge, Rotterdam : 808 m long, 32 m wide & 343 m high Akashi Bridge, Japan : 3911 m long Sutong Bridge, China : 8206 m long
Session-3 Components of Bridges
Components of Bridges A. Foundations Shallow Foundations VARIOUS TYPE OF FOUNDATIONS Shallow Foundations 1. Open foundations : Hard Strata is met at Shallow Depth or depth of foundation is upto 5 to 6 m. 2. Raft foundations : Foundation Strata is weak having low SBC Deep Foundations 1. Pile Foundations: Hard strata is not available at shallow depth and scour depth is considerable. 2. Well Foundations: Hard strata is not available at shallow depth, scour depth is considerable and foundation is in water (may be river, sea).
Sinking of Well Foundation Boring of Pile Foundation Components of Bridges Sinking of Well Foundation Boring of Pile Foundation Casing of Pile Foundation
Components of Bridges B. Substructures Various Type of Substructures Abutment Cantilever wall type RCC Gravity type PCC Counter fort type Spill through type Box type Piers Wall type Circular type Semi circular type Y-shape type Wing wall / Return wall Cantilever wall type RCC and PCC RE Wall Gabion Wall Toe wall –RCC and PCC type
Components of Bridges B. Substructures Cross Section of Pier with Pile Foundation Cross Section of counterfort Abutment
Counterfort type Abutment Components of Bridges B. Substructures Wall type Abutment Counterfort type Abutment
Components of Bridges B. Substructures Circular Type Pier Wall type Pier
Components of Bridges C. Superstructures Earlier practice for Superstructure: Girders and slab system or Box girders were designed & used Girders & slabs system was more prominent due to majority bridges being of small / moderate spans. Emerging design trend for Superstructure is Long span bridges Continuous structures Segmental construction Cast-in-situ Pre-cast Steel / concrete composite constructions Extra dosed cable stayed structure to bridge longer span with shorter depths Cable stayed bridges Suspension bridges
Solid Slab type Superstructure Voided Slab type Superstructure Components of Bridges C. Superstructures Solid Slab type Superstructure Voided Slab type Superstructure
PSC Multi-girder slab system Components of Bridges C. Superstructures RCC Multi-girder slab system PSC Multi-girder slab system
PSC Box type Superstructure Steel type of Superstructure Components of Bridges C. Superstructures PSC Box type Superstructure Steel type of Superstructure
Components of Bridges C. Superstructures Cable Suspension Bow String Girder
PSC Box type Superstructure Balance cantilever type Superstructure Components of Bridges C. Superstructures PSC Box type Superstructure Balance cantilever type Superstructure
Classification of Bridges Session-4 Classification of Bridges Bridges may be classified in many ways, as below: According to the functions as aqueduct (canal or a river), viaduct (road, railway over a valley) pedestrian, highway, railway, road cum rail or a pipeline bridge. According to material of construction of superstructure as timber, masonry, iron steel, RCC, PSC, composite etc. According to form of superstructure as slab, girder(T girder, Box girder), truss, arch, cable stayed or suspension bridge. According to inter-span relations as simple, continuous or cantilever. According to the road level relative to the highest flood level of the river below, particularly for a highway bridge, as high level or submersible bridge. According to the length of bridge Length > 60m major bridges, 60m > Length > 6m minor Bridges, 6 > span Culverts. According to the anticipated type of service and duration of use as permanent, temporary, military (pontoon, Bailey) bridge.
Classification of Bridges According to the functions as aqueduct (canal or a river), viaduct (road, railway over a valley), pedestrian, highway, railway, road cum rail or a pipeline bridge. Canal Bridge Pedestrian Bridge Railway Bridge
Classification of Bridges Highway Bridge (Flyover) River Bridge Railway Over Bridge
Classification of Bridges According to material of construction of superstructure as timber, masonry, iron steel, RCC, PSC, composite etc. Iron Steel Bridge RCC Bridge Timber Bridge Masonry Bridge
Classification of Bridges According to form of superstructure as slab, girder (T-girder, Box girder), truss, bridge. T Girder Bridge Slab Bridge Truss Bridge Box girder bridge
Classification of Bridges According to form of superstructure as arch, cable stayed or suspension bridge. Cable Stayed Bridge Arch Bridge Suspension Bridge
Classification of Bridges According to inter-span relations as simple, continuous or cantilever. Balanced Cantilever Bridge Continuous Girder Bridge
Classification of Bridges According to the road level relative to the highest flood level of the river below, particularly for a highway bridge, as high level or submersible bridge. High Level Bridge Submersible Bridge
Classification of Bridges According to the anticipated type of service and duration of use as permanent, temporary, military (pontoon, Bailey) bridge. Pontoon type temporary Bridge Temporary Bailey Bridge Temporary Military Bridge
Data Collections for Bridges Session-5 Data Collections for Bridges Hydraulic data Site selection Type of Bridges Loading (IRC Standards) Materials Construction Techniques Economy Most Economical Span
State-of the Art in Bridges Session-6 State-of the Art in Bridges Takanaka nerrows Bridge- Japan Various failure of bridges in world and India
References Principles and Practice of Bridge Engineering By S. P. Bindra. Dhanpatrai publication Bridge Engineering by S. C. Rangwala. Charotar Publication
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