Font & Typeface Making good design choices in formatting options for font when developing visually appealing publications Principles of Information Technology 1
OBJECTIVES Identify categories of font styles Describe characteristics of font styles Identify publishing guidelines when choosing font styles Identify font formatting techniques for printed and electronic publications 2© UNT in Partnership with TEA
FONT CATEGORIES Serif Sans serif Script Decorative 3© UNT in Partnership with TEA
SERIF Definition: In this font category, there are short decorative tips at the end of the stroke for each letter. 4© UNT in Partnership with TEA
SANS SERIF Definition: In this font category, there is an absence of short decorative tips at the end of the stroke for each letter. 5© UNT in Partnership with TEA
SCRIPT Definition: In this font category, the letters appear to be handwritten. 6© UNT in Partnership with TEA
ORNAMENTAL Definition: In this font category, the letters have a unique style that sets it apart, having an artistic design element incorporated into the lettering. 7© UNT in Partnership with TEA
SERIF EXAMPLES Style of FontName of FontTip Design Slab SerifPlaybill Straight Constant thickness Thick slab ModernBodoni Straight Constant thickness Thin slab OldstyleGaramond Slanted Thick to thin stroke Straight stroke TransitionalBaskerville Straight Thick to thin stroke Straight stroke LatinBook Antiqua Slanted Thick to thin stroke Curved stroke 8© UNT in Partnership with TEA
SANS SERIF EXAMPLES 9© UNT in Partnership with TEA
SCRIPT EXAMPLES 10© UNT in Partnership with TEA
ORNAMENTAL EXAMPLES 11© UNT in Partnership with TEA
FORMATTING FONT Making good design choices 12© UNT in Partnership with TEA
FORMATTING CHOICES Font style of title on page significantly different than other font on page Font style of title on page significantly different than other font on page Font style of title on page significantly different than other font on page Font style of title on page significantly different than other font on page 13© UNT in Partnership with TEA
FORMATTING CHOICES Font style of title on page exactly the same as other font on page Font style of title on page different category as the other font on page Font style of title on page exactly the same as other font on page Font style of title on page different category as the other font on page 14© UNT in Partnership with TEA
FORMATTING CHOICES 1 1 Font style of Title Is decorative and while it is pretty and could be used for the names on a formal announcement or invitation, it should never be used for full paragraphs of text as in this example. 2 2 Font style of Title Is script and while it is different and could be used for an attention getter, it should never be used for full paragraphs of text as in this example. 15© UNT in Partnership with TEA
title on page exactly the same as other font on page we only changed the title text color and background shading FORMATTING CHOICES 1 1 FONT STYLE OF title on page exactly the same as other font on page we only changed the title to appear in all capital letters 2 2 Font Style Of 16© UNT in Partnership with TEA
REVIEW The four categories of font 1. Serif- letters having short decorative tips at the end of each stroke. 2. Sans Serif- letters that do NOT have short decorative tips at the end of each stroke. 3. Script- letters that appear to be handwritten. 4. Ornamental- letters that incorporate a common artistic design element 17© UNT in Partnership with TEA
REVIEW Examples of the four categories of font Serif- Times New Roman - R Sans Serif- Arial - R Script- Freestyle Script - R Ornamental- Chiller - R 18© UNT in Partnership with TEA
REVIEW Use the following sparingly Script and Ornamental All capital letters Switching categories of font within the same document Use Serif for written documents Use Sans Serif for electronic documents 19© UNT in Partnership with TEA
ACTIVITY #2 Look back at the document you created in Activity #1. Notice the font styles used on each web page. Create a textbox next to each screen snapshot. The textbox should show: 1) The number of different font styles on each page 2) The categories of different font styles on each page 20© UNT in Partnership with TEA
REPETITION This webpage shows repetition in the color theme. It has black, white and various shades of gray in the background as well as within the various objects – even in the clothes that the models are wearing. Repetition is also demonstrated by the use of the same font style for all text objects. The icons in front of the list of links all repeat the same size and shape. The software ads in the lower right repeat the same size, shape, colors, and arrangement of text/objects within each group. EXAMPLE Webpage screenshot of Number of font styles used: 1 All text is in a sans serif font. This part is the only thing added for this activity. 21© UNT in Partnership with TEA