Covering the Periods of Before the Flood, The Flood, Scattering of the People, Patriarchs Foundational Study From The Foundational Study From The Book of Genesis
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen Review of Lesson Fifteen Birth and Early Life of Jacob and Esau 25:19-34 Twins in the Womb Two Nations – One Stronger than the Other Older would Serve the Younger Jacob – Supplanter (hold of heel) Esau – Hunter – Carefree Life Jacob – Domestic life – Affairs of the Family Isaac loved Esau – Rebekah loved Jacob Isaac – 60 years old Esau Sold his Birthright for a Bowl of Stew Named changed to Edom (red) Dispised Birthright – Profane Heb.12:16
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen Review of Lesson Fifteen God Repeats Promises to Isaac 26:1-6 Because Abraham obeyed Me and kept My Charge Isaac Lies to Abimelech 26:7-11 Rebekah – My Sister Abimelech Reproves Isaac God Blessess Isaac 26:12-33 Abimelech and Isaac Make a Covenant of Peace Esau Marries Pagan Wives 26:34-35 Judith and Basemath – Hittite Women Jacob Deceives Isaac 27:1-46 Pretended to be Esau Stole the Blessing of the Birthright (Firstborn) Esau Promised to Kill Jacob after Isaac Died
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen Points to Consider Not take a Wife from Canaanites Isaac sends Jacob Away Go to Pandanaram – House of Bethuel – Syrian Get Wife from Daughters of Laban God Almighty Bless You Make You Fruitful Make you a Multitude of People Give you the Blessings of Abraham Inherit the Land God gave to Abraham Land where-in you are a Stranger
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen Points to Consider Jacob Comes to Bethel Dream – Angels Ascending / Descending Ladder God Speaks to Jacob from Heaven Repeats the Promises made to Abraham Promises Repeated to Isaac Promises to be with him in Pandanaram Promises to bring him back to Canaan Jacob set up a Memorial. Jacob Names the place Bethel “House of God” Formerly called Luz
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen Children of Jacob: Reuben – See a Son (God has looked on my affliction) Simeon – Jehovah Hears (God has heard I am hated) Levi – Joined (Now my husband will be joined to me) Judah – Praise (This time I will praise Jehovah) Dan – Judge (God has judged and made things right) Naphtali – Wrestling (I have wrestled with my sister) Gad – Troop (A Troop cometh) Asher – Happy (How happy I am) Issachar – Hire (God has given me my hire) Zebulon – Dwelling (Now husband will dwell with me) Joseph – Adding (God will add to me another son) Benjamin – Right Hand Son (Named by Jacob)
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen Points to Consider Jacob Came to Haran Meets and Falls in Love with Rachel Works Seven Years for Rachel Laban Deceives and gives Leah Laban gives Rachel for Seven more Years Work Wives Bear Children Leah – Rueben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulon and a Daughter - Dinah Bilhah – Dan, Naphtali Zilpah – Gad, Asher Rachael – Joseph, Benjamin Works Seven Years for Flocks and Herds God blesses Jacob Materially Camels, Donkeys, Flocks and Herds, Wealth, Servants
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen Children of Jacob: Reuben Simeon Levi (Priests – No Possession) Judah Dan Naphtali Gad Asher Issachar Zebulon Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh – Double Portion) Benjamin
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Fourteen : Genealogy Terah Haran Nahor Abraham Sarah Hagar Iscah Lot MilcahBethuel Isaac Ishmael (Ishmaelites) Laban --- Rebekah Moab Ben-Ammi Keturah (Moabites) (Ammonites) Jacob Esau Midian Leah - Rachel (Israelites) (Edomites) (Midianites) Leah Bilhah Zilpah Leah Rachel Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah|Dan, Naphtali|Gad, Asher|Issachar, Zebulun|Joseph, Benjamin See a Son,Jehovah Hears,Joined,Praise | Judging,Wrestling | Troop,Happy | Hire,Dwelling | Adding,Right Hand Son
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen Wilderness of Shur Wilderness of Zin EDOM Wilderness of Paran Sinai Wilderness of Sin MIDIAN Gulf of Suez Red Sea Gulf of Aqaba Red Sea Ezion-geber
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen ISHMAEL Red Sea Persian Gulf Arabian Desert
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen Isaac (Israelites)
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen Summary Questions: Where did Jacob Go and Why? What was Jacob’s Dream about? What had Bethel been called prior to the Dream? What Vow did Jacob make to God? Who were Laban’s Two Daughters? Who were the Handmaids who became Wives? Who did Jacob Love Most? What was Rachel’s Problem? Name Jacob’s Twelve Sons? Who was Jacob and Leah’s Daughter? How did God use Laban’s herds to bless Jacob? How long did Jacob stay and work for Laban?
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen Summary God gives Promises to Abraham 12:1-3;7 God repeats Promises to Isaac 26:3-5 Birth of Jacob and Esau 25:21-25 Jacob buys Birthright from Esau 25:29-34 Jacob Deceives Isaac 27:1-46 Esau Vows to Kill Jacob 27:41 Isaac sends Jacob to Haran 28:1-10 Jacob’s Dream 28:11-22 Jacob arrives at House of Laban 29:1-14 Wives, Children, Wages 29:15-30:43
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen Years of Abraham Abraham Arrives in Canaan – 75 yrs old 12:4 Nephew Lot is with Them Birth of Ishmael – 86 yrs old 16:16 Birth of Isaac – 100 yrs old 17:17; 21:5 Death of Sarah – 137 yrs old 23:1-2; 17:17 Sarah 10 years younger than Abraham Isaac Marries Rebekah – 140 yrs old 25:20 Birth of Jacob and Esau – 160 yrs old 25:26 Death of Abraham – 175 yrs old 25:7-8 Jacob and Esau – 15 years old Isaac 75 years old – Ishmael 89 years old
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen Years of Jacob Marries Rebekah – 40 yrs old 25:20 Abraham 140 years old Sarah had been dead 3 years Birth of Jacob and Esau – 60 yrs old 25:26 Death of Ishmael – 123 yrs old 25:17 Jacob and Esau – 63 – Ishmael died Jacob and Esau – Now about 77 yrs old Jacob – 130 years old when moved to Egypt 49:7 Joseph was 39 years old Gen.41:46; 29-30; 45:11 Jacob 91 when Joseph born Joseph born near the end of 14 year period 91 – 14 = 77 (Isaac would have been 137)
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen 1-5 Creation Stories. Before the Flood 6-10 Stories Surrounding the Flood. The Flood 11. Scattering of the People. Scattering of the People 12. Promises to Abraham.Patriarchs 13. Abraham and Lot Separate. 14. Abraham Rescues Lot. 15. God makes a Covenant with Abraham. 16. Birth of Ishmael. 17. Covenant of Circumcision. 18. Celestial Visitors. 19. Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. 20. Abraham Lies to Abimelech. 21. Birth of Isaac. 22. Offering of Isaac. 23. Death of Sarah. 24. A Wife for Isaac. 25. Death of Abraham. (Birth of Jacob and Esau)
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Sixteen 1-5 Creation Stories. Before the Flood 6-10 Stories of the Flood. The Flood 11 Scattering of the People. Scattering of the People 12-25:18 Stories of Abraham. Patriarchs 25:19-28:9 Stories of Isaac. 28:10-35 Stories of Jacob. 28Jacob’s Ladder 29Jacob’s Wives 30Jacob’s Children - Wages