Regional and Sub-Regional Strategies for Disaster Reduction in Africa Presentation at WMO EXPERT MEETING ON NMHSs’ PARTICIPATION IN DISASTER RISK REDUCTION COORDINATION MECHANISMS AND EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS Martin Owor Senior Regional Coordinator, UN/ISDR, Africa. WMO Hqs, Geneva, November
Evolution of Disaster Risk Reduction in Africa Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is gaining momentum in Africa at a significantly fast pace over the past few years. In 2003, a baseline study of disaster reduction potential in Africa was conducted by NEPAD, Africa Union (AU) and UN/ISDR Africa.
Findings of Baseline Study Institutional: Disaster risk reduction yet to be effectively institutionalized in Africa. Knowledge Management: In adequate attention to information management and communication, training and research. Governance: Inadequate involvement of stakeholders; citizens often mere recipients of disaster management activity outputs. Risk Identification and Assessment: Limited in Africa. Emergency Response: Disaster management yet to be integrated in development Policies Evolution of Disaster Risk Reduction in Africa
Disaster Risk Reduction in Africa – An Agenda in Progress Baseline Study was followed by : Establishment of an “Africa Working Group (AWG) for DRR”: a forum comprising RECs (i.e ECOWAS, IGAD, SADC,ECCAS, ICPAC, ACMAD, AGRYMET), UN Agencies, AU and NEPAD to draw up the Africa Strategy for DRR. 2004, the “Africa Regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction” and “Guidelines for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Assessment into Development” developed and published.
2005 began with the establishment of an “Africa Advisory Group on DRR” and ended with the successful organization of the “First Africa Ministerial Conference on DRR” which adopted an “Africa Program of Action on DRR”. In May 2006 at Brazzaville, the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) mainstreamed the Africa DRR strategy into its next five programme. 2007: (i) Africa Platform for DRR established to inform Global Platform, (ii) ECOWAS summit of Heads of States discuss and approved subregional DRR strategy; (iii) AMCOW discussed HFA. 2008, Second Africa Union DRR Ministerial Conference planned. 2009, Africa Union Summit of Heads of States and Governments on DRR/MDGs and Sustainable Development planned. Disaster Risk Reduction in Africa – An Agenda in Progress
Regional and Sub-Regional Structures in Africa Regional: AU - African Union Sub Regional: ECOWAS - Economic Community of West African States: Sixteen Countries ECCAS - Economic Community of Central Africa States: Fourteen C’tries SADC - Southern Africa Development Community: Fourteen Countries IGAD - Inter-Governmental Authority on Development : Seven Countries EAC - East African Community: Five Countries 6.IOC - Indian Ocean Commission: Four Countries 7.UMA – Arab Maghreb Union: Five Countries
Regional and Sub-Regional Strategies for Disaster Reduction in Africa Regional: AU : developed and approved the Africa Regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction in 2005 with UN/ISDR support. Sub Regional: 1.IGAD: developed andd approved a DRR strategy in 2004 with UN/ISDR support. 2. ECOWAS: developed and approved a Common Policy and mechanism in Jan, 2007, with UN/ISDR support
Sub Regional Strategies, Cont…. 3. SADC: revising its Strategy shifting from a security focus to DRR with UN/ISDR support (to be completed by April 2008) 4. ECCAS: began developing its subregion common DRR strategy with UN/ISDR support (to be ready by Feb. 2008). I
Sub Regional Strategies, Cont…. Photo: IFRC 5. IOC: A framework for development of common sub regional DRR Strategy agreed on between subregional technical team and UN/ISDR, activity begins early Sub regional Early Warning mechanisms functional. 6. EAC: No common DRR strategy in place. UN/ISDR to engage secretariate early 2008.
All DRR strategies in Africa are aligned to the five HFA priorities All have common objectives: 1. increase political commitment to disaster risk reduction; 2. improve identification and assessment of disaster risks; 3. enhance knowledge management for disaster risk reduction; 4. increase public awareness of disaster risk reduction; 5. improve governance of disaster risk reduction institutions; and 6. integrate disaster risk reduction into emergency response mgt.
Some Operational Mechanisms in Africa 1.Africa Regional Platform for DRR ; 2.AMCEN, AMCOW, Bienual Forum of Ministers responsible for DRR 3.RECs forums for DRR and placement by UN/ISDR of an expert to enhance HFA activities in each REC Secretariate, 4.30 functional National Platforms for coordination of DRR activities 5.Annual Consultative Forum of National Platforms in Africa; 6.Educational and Scientific Forums; (DMISA, Peri Peri U, UNeDRA, ICAPC, DMC- SADC, ACMAD, CILLS) 7.WB/UNISDR GFDRR programme 8.AU/UNISDR joint programmes 9.UNCT joint programmes e.g Mozambique joint Emergency and DRR programme 10.small-scale pilot projects e.g Joint UN/ISDR-ICAPC Community Climate Information delivery project. 11.Placement of DRR expert in AU Commission in Addis Ababa and UN Regional Directors Team Hub in Johannesburg
Other on-going UN Regional Inter-Agency collaborative efforts for DRR in Africa LevelCoordinating Institutions ActivityStatus Central and Eastern Africa Sub regions OCHA-ROCEA, UN/ISDR Development of a Regional Humanitarian Partnership Team (RHPT) framework of common DRR and Humanitarian activities for 2008 Regional planning workshop held,(71 Pax) First draft ready Southern Africa OCHA-ROSA, UN/ISDR UNDP/BCPR Development of a Regional Inter- Agency Coordination Support Office (RIACSO) framework of activities for 2008 Workshop planned for early December 2007 Western AfricaOCHA-ROWA, UN/ISDR UNDP/BCPR Initial discussions for development of a Regional Inter-Agency DRR and Humanitarian framework of activities for 2008 began Initial exchanges on dates and agenda for workshop
Future Political Commitments Second AU ministerial consultative meeting on DRR Summit of Africa Heads of States and Gov’t to be the theme “ DRR for achievement of MDGs and sustainable development.
Some Progress at National level in Africa National level: - 27 countries have established National Platforms for DRR - making progress in mainstreaming DRR into their sectoral programmes, - strengthening early warning systems - reporting on progress in the implementation of the HFA - and revising their DRR policies and Legislation. A number of countries such as Uganda, Ghana, Senegal, Madagascar Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Kenya and Mauritania have revised their Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) integrating DRR as a cross cutting issue and are moving further to introduce DRR into annual workplans and budgets. UNCT Mozambique has come up with an integrated common DRR and Emergency Preparedness plan for 2008/9 to be implemented under a busket fund coordinated by UNDP CO. Malawi, Kenya and Namibia are also on track.
Some Challenges Shortage of resources and technical capacity limit the ability of the already poor African nations in implementing their disaster reduction strategies and action plans Limited Internet connectivity and access to information on DRR; Low capacity for risk assessment and mapping; Lack of resource for cross boarder consultation. Lack effective data collaction capacities and depositories and repositories of information.
Some Recommendations Support strengthening of links between UNCT and National Platforms Build capacities of RECS and Institutions engaged in DRR in Africa especially early warning information such as NMHS and their subregional networks such as ICPAC, DMC-SADC, ACMAD, CILLS, and AGRYMET. Build capacities of the Africa media in DRR for public mobilisation and education; Increase support to inter-country cooperation and coordination mechanisms such as, Africa Platform, Sub regional and National Platforms; Support implementation of Africa Regional and Sub regional DRR strategies and Action plans Support the Africa Academic and Scientific Institutions developing educational curriculum for DRR such as UNeDRA, Peri Peri U, PhreeWAY and DMISA
I THANK YOU Martin Owor UN/ISDR Senior Regional Coordinator, Africa Tel. (+254)