Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications1 Financial Resources and Technology Transfer Wanna Tanunchaiwatana Manager, Technology UNFCCC Secretariat
Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications2 Content n Purpose n Status of reporting in the 1st and 2nd national communications n Problems encountered n New reporting guidelines
Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications3 Purpose n To exchange experience on problems encountered in the reporting of information in the 1st and 2nd national communications. n To address specific problems in the preparation of the third national communication relating to the use of the new guidelines and to discuss ways to overcome these problems.
Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications4 Status of reports A. Provision of new and additional resources Findings Only 5 Parties provided info. on this issue Parties differed in the criteria for determining new and additional resources. Problems encountered Parties had difficulty in singling out new and additional resources.
Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications5 Status of reports B. Assistance to developing country Parties vulnerable to climate change Findings Sixteen Parties reported bilateral projects and programs on climate change adaptation. The projects are aimed to improve CZM, ecosystems, water management and development of meteorological networks. Problems encountered Criteria for determining necessary adaptation measures are not clear.
Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications6 Status of reports C. Provision of financial resources Findings n Most Parties reported activities related to sustainable development that are not necessarily related to the Convention. Problems encountered Parties faced difficulty in isolating climate change mitigation projects from their overall contribution to environmental protection.
Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications7 Status of reports D. Activities related to technology transfer Findings Seven Parties reported separately on their technology transfer activities in their communications. Little information was provided on private sector activities and distinctions between hard and soft technologies were not made. Problems encountered n The Parties had difficulty differentiating ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ technologies.’ n Parties had difficulty in collecting information of private sector activities on technology transfer.
Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications8 New guidelines n A. Provision of new and additional resources (para.51) Parties shall indicate what “new and additional” financial resources they have provided pursuant to Article 4.3. Parties shall clarify how they have determined such resources as being “new and additional” in their national communication. In communicating this information, Parties shall complete table 3.
Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications9 New guidelines n B. Assistance to developing country Parties vulnerable to climate change (para.52) Parties shall provide detailed information on the assistance provided for the purpose of assisting developing country Parties that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change in meeting the costs of adaptation to those adverse effects, in textual format and with reference to table 5.
Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications10 New guidelines n C. Provision of financial resources (para.53) Parties shall provide any information on any financial resources related to the implementation of the Convention provided through bilateral, regional and other multilateral channels. Parties should complete table 4 and 5.
Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications11 New guidelines n D. Activities related to technology transfer Para.54: Parties shall, when reporting details of measures related to the promotion, facilitation and financing of the transfer of, or access to, environmentally- sound technologies, clearly distinguish between activities undertaken by the public sector and those undertaken by the private sector. …….
Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications12 New guidelines n D. Activities related to technology transfer (continued) Para.55: Parties shall, where feasible, report activities related to technology transfer, including success and failure stories, using table 6 below. Parties shall also report their activities for financing access by developing countries to “hard” and “soft” environmentally-sound technologies.
Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications13 New guidelines n D. Activities related to technology transfer (continued) Para.56: Parties shall report information, in textual format, on steps taken by governments to promote, facilitate and finance transfer of technology, and to support development and enhancement of endogenous capacities and technologies of developing countries.
Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications14 Points for discussion General: What specific steps, if any, have been initiated to facilitate the compilation of information for reporting on the provision of financial resources and technology transfer activities in the forthcoming communication? Are there any success stories or problems encountered you wish to share with others? Is there any problem encountered in filling out the tables in the new guidelines (table 3-6)?
Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications15 Points for discussion Specific: Is the requirement for Parties to differentiate between hard and soft technologies in the assistance they have provided still a problem? If so, how do Parties plan to report on this matter? n How do you collect information from the private sector regarding the transfer of technologies? Will your country plan to report on this activity and in which level of details?
Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications16 Points for discussion Are there still problems in determining what are the ‘new and additional’ financial resources? If so, how do the Annex II Parties intend to communicate information on new and additional financial resources?