In their free-time teenagers in Scalea have a lot of hobbies. We, sixteen-year old girls, have interviewed some of them to know what they prefer. We have divided their hobbies in two categories: the first as to girls, the second as to boys. Here is it:
Beyond the classic sports which the young generally practise, in our area there are some particular ones like “trekking”, “rafting” and “parachuting”.
The oriented natural reserve Valle del fiume Argentino" was instituted on the 7/12/87. It is located along the homonymous valley, in the territory of Orsomarso (CS) hectares of its territory include all the high part of the basin of the Argentino River which runs 1 km out of the town of Orsomarso. The wild untouched nature is between the most various and it’s famous for its loricato pine, There are also some types of roe deer.
If you want to spend a fantastic adventure in security, you need: a pair of boots, a paddle, a life jacket and a helmet. Each group will be guided by raf patented and skillful nstructors. It develops inside the “Parco del Pollino”where it is possible to spend fantastic adventures between winding rapids and the beauty of a wild nature.
Take off at 700 Mt. height from Praia a mare, flying on tandem. The length of the flight, conditioned by the ascensional (thermal) currents, changes from about 15 to 30 minutes. The equipment, included clothing, except shoes, is provided by guides. The instructors are insured and flight licenced.
In their free-time teenagers in Swietochlowice have a lot of hobbies. We, sixteen-year old boys, have interviewed some of them to know what they prefer. We have divided their hobbies in two categories: the first as to girls, the second as to boys. Here is it:
One of the most important sport in Poland is skiing.
There are many places where you can go for skiing, here there are some of them:
General info: Tatras are the highest part of whole Carpathians and the highest mountains in Central Europe. Total area of 785 square km is split between Slovakia (610) and Poland (175). The highest peak is Gerlach 2655m. Tatras are very interesting place for tourists because there are hundreds kilometers of marked routes beginning with very easy and finishing with real via ferrata.
People have always feared mountains, yet have always been attracted to them, to the places where nature remains mostly unchanged. Communion with nature gives one a feeling of unity with the Earth, a feeling of being a part of its monumental order. It is also a quest for a way back to mankind's roots. At the end of the 20th century man has conquered almost everything on Earth, but the view of the Beskid massif can still take one's breath away.
Bieszczady are situated in the south-east of Poland.
Our group, Melide, Martina, Alessia, Annamaria, Daniela, Emanuela, Kamil, Marcin, Italian and Polish students are working on our free time and our objective is find our similarities and our differences. We’re doing survey to young Italian and Polish people! We’re discovering that Italian and Polish boys love same sport: Football; We’re looked that Italian girls love dance and Polish girls love a volleyball. We’re writing something about typical sport in our region. In Calabria you can do rafting, parachuting, trekking. In Silesian you can do football, cycling, trekking, volleyball. We’re thinking that this project is very good and we hope that we can do again this experience because this experience isn’t only for school but it’s for life!
Emanuela Corcione Annamaria Capano Melide Blotta Alessia Andolfi Martina Silvestri Daniela Mingrone Kamil Przybyła Marcin Bilnicki