Biography Isabella l the Catholic was born in Madrigal de las Torres, Avila on April 22, 1451and died on November 26, She ruled two kingdoms and was responsible for the unification of Spain. She also sponsored Christopher Columbus which led the beginning of an overseas empire in the New World. Before she was queen she lived with her mother and then was drawn into Castilian politics. Although she lived in poor conditions she was able to have an education. This all led to her being a queen “ Queen Isabella l ( ) was born in the Spanish kingdom of Castile. She is best remembered for helping to unify Spain and for sponsoring the voyages of Christopher Columbus.” Textbook History Alive pg. 340
Classical influence/development Isabella was taken to court to be the king’s eye at the age of thirteen. Then she was taken away from her mother to have a better education in the study of politics. They knew she was next in line for the throne when her brother Henry died. Someone who supported her during her reign was her husband. Isabella and her husband were proud to reunite Spain. castile castile “She was highly intelligent, strong-willed, and a devoted Catholic. Girls at the time received little education, so Isabella's schooling was limited.” Textbook History Alive pg. 340
Major Contribution Her major contribution was sponsoring Christopher Columbus in Spain on When Columbus reached the Americas (by mistake) it brought wealth to Spain and helped the era of the Renaissance. Christopher Columbus plead to Isabella to let him go with his plan to reach the Indies. She did not accept his Request but he did not give up. It took her about 2 years to make up her mind and let him go ahead. On October 12 he reached the Americas and came back the next year. He brought back gold and wealth with him and Spain entered a golden age. astile#Columbus_and_Portuguese_relation s
Modern Day Application Elizabeth II was born in April 21, 1926 is the constitutional monarch of sixteen independent sovereign states. She was educated mostly at home. Her father became King- Emperor in She took many tours and met Prince Philip. She is married to Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh and they have four children. The four children are Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward. _II
Biography “ (born April 22, 1451, Madrigal de las Altas Torres, Castile—died November 26, 1504, Medina del Campo, Spain) queen of Castile (1474–1504) and of Aragon (1479–1504), ruling the two kingdoms jointly from 1479 with her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon (Ferdinand V of Castile). Their rule effected the permanent union of Spain and the beginning of an overseas empire in the New World, led by Christopher Columbus under Isabella's sponsorship. Isabella was the daughter of John II of Castile and his second wife, Isabella of Portugal. Three years after her birth her half brother became king as Henry IV. Despite the fact that she had a younger brother, Alfonso, and that her early years were spent quietly with her mother at Arévalo, Isabella was soon drawn into Castilian politics. She was brought to court when she was 13 in order to be under the king's eye. At first the opposition to Henry IV gathered around Alfonso, but when the latter died in July 1468, the rebellious magnates naturally turned to Isabella. She did not, however, play the role thus designed for her, and the fruit of her wisdom was recognition as his heiress by Henry IV at the agreement known as the Accord of Toros de Guisando (September 19, 1468).”Christopher Columbus
Classical influence/development “When Queen Joan was about to give birth, Isabella and her brother were summoned to court (Segovia) and taken away from their mother to be under more control and direct supervision by the king and finish their educations. Isabella's basic education consisted of reading, spelling, writing, grammar, mathematics, art, chess, dancing, embroidery, music, and religious instruction. She was brought to court when she was 13 in order to be under the king's eye. “ sabella-of-castile
Major Contribution Her major contribution was sponsoring Christopher Columbus in Spain on When Columbus reached the Americas (by mistake) it brought wealth to Spain and helped the era of the Renaissance. “ Queen Isabella rejected Christopher Columbus's plan to reach the Indies by sailing west (2000 miles, according to Columbus) more than three times before changing her mind. It actually took her about 1–2 years to agree to his plan. His conditions (the position of Admiral; governorship for him and his descendants of lands to be discovered; and ten percent of the profits) were met.Christopher ColumbusIndies On 3 August 1492 his expedition departed and arrived in America on October 12. He returned the next year and presented his findings to the monarchs, bringing natives and gold under a hero's welcome. Spain entered a Golden Age of exploration and colonization, the period of the Spanish Empire. The Portuguese did not recognize that South America belonged to the Spanish because it was on Portugal's sphere of influence and the Portuguese King John II threatened to send an army to claim the land for the Portuguese. In 1494, by the Treaty of Tordesillas, Isabella and Ferdinand agreed to divide the Earth, outside of Europe, with king John II of Portugal. umbus_and_Portuguese_relationsAmericaGolden AgeexplorationcolonizationSpanish EmpireTreaty of TordesillasJohn II Portugal
Modern Day Application “Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, born 21 April 1926 [N 1] ) is the constitutional monarch of sixteen independent sovereign states known as the Commonwealth realms. [N 2] In addition, as Head of the Commonwealth, she is the figurehead of the 54-member Commonwealth of Nations and, as the British monarch, she is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. [N 1]constitutional monarchsovereign statesCommonwealth realms [N 2] Head of the CommonwealthCommonwealth of NationsBritish monarch Supreme Governor of the Church of England Elizabeth was educated privately at home. Her father, George VI, became King-Emperor of the British Empire in She began to undertake public duties during the Second World War, in which she served in the Auxiliary Territorial Service. After the war and Indian independence George VI's title of Emperor of India was abandoned, and the evolution of the Empire into the Commonwealth accelerated. In 1947, Elizabeth made the first of many tours around the Commonwealth, and married Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. They have four children: Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward.”George VIKing-Emperor British EmpireAuxiliary Territorial ServiceIndian independenceEmperor of IndiaPrince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh CharlesAnneAndrewEdward eth_II