The Sweet Sixteen Rules of Writing s
As always, lead with your conclusion, rephrasing questions with your first sentence.
Keep it short: The presumption is 150 words or less. Rules of Writing s
Write in proper English, no jargons, or text language. Rules of Writing s
Make sure you address the recipient correctly. Example: Mr. Jackson Ms. Tomas Dr. Maarcel Rules of Writing s
Use exclamations points and bold lettering “very carefully”. These come across as “yelling” when used over s. So make sure and don’t do it! Rules of Writing s
Play it straight. Keep work work related. Rules of Writing s
In case you are sending a short message or simple reply, less than 20 words, use EOM (End Of Message) at the end of your subject line heading. Example: Subject: Yes I’ll be there. EOM Only do this with there is nothing for the body. Rules of Writing s
Make sure you heading summarizes the subject of the . Rules of Writing s
Assume unknown readers. Rules of Writing s
Think before you send. Rules of Writing s
Because the Internet has virtually obliterated the notions of confidentiality and privilege, be careful about what you put in writing. Rules of Writing s
If you’re writing anything privileged, confidential, inflammatory, or contentious, put the names of the recipients into the “To” box last, after everything has been checked and edited. Rules of Writing s
Beware the “reply all” button. Rules of Writing s
When writing an to a large group, keep your language gender neutral. Rules of Writing s
Use An Signature. Always close your s with your name. Creating a formal signature is the most professional approach. Limit your signature to your name, website link, company name, and phone number. Use An Signature. Always close your s with your name. Creating a formal signature is the most professional approach. Limit your signature to your name, website link, company name, and phone number. Rules of Writing s