Read the text from a bible that is a Revised Standard Version Edition (not only a children’s translation). Do this individually or in a group, with an adult learner’s hat. Investigate the text. Read biblical reflections on the text such as the one by Barbara Stead. (next slide) What does it mean for us today? What questions do you have about the text? If you have questions about definitions of words look up the meaning on Both these sites are credible and suitable. They have been created with input from Marg Carswell. Be careful when sourcing biblical information digitally, much is available on the internet. However, the interpretation given, at times, is of a fundamentalist nature.
Based on Luke 10: 30-35
Jesus told this story. This story is a parable. It comes from the bible. The bible is a group of sacred stories. This story is a Gospel story. This story comes from the Gospel of Luke.
A lawyer asked Jesus “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”
Jesus asked “What is written in the law?” He answered “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your strength.”
The man also said “And your neighbour as yourself” Jesus said “You have answered correctly do this and you will live.”
The man asked “Who is my neighbour?”
Jesus replied “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell into the hands of robbers.”
“The robbers stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead.”
“Now by chance a priest was going down the road and when he saw the man he passed by on the other side.”
“Likewise a Levite when he came by the place and saw him passed by on the other side.”
“But a Samaritan, while travelling came near him and when he saw him he was moved with pity.”
“He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn and took care of him.”
The next day he took out two denarii gave them to the inn keeper and said, “Take care of him and when I come back I will repay you whatever more you spend.”
“Which of these three, do you think was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” Jesus asked.
“The one who showed him mercy,” The lawyer said. Jesus said “Go and do likewise.”
I wonder if you know of this story? Or other stories from the bible? What could be happening on the front cover of this book? I wonder why this story was written? What do you think of the art work on the front page of this book? I wonder who the artist was? Does the front cover remind you of anything you do? Or could do?
Slide Three What is a parable? Do you know any other parables? I wonder what the people looked like in the parable? Slide Four I wonder what part of the bible Luke’s Gospel is in? Can somebody show us in the bible? (assist children using contents page etc.) Slide Five What is a lawyer? I wonder what eternal life is? What does inherit mean? Slide Six I wonder what law they are talking about? Slide Seven In this sentence what does ‘live ‘mean? Slide Eight When it says neighbour I wonder does it mean the people living next door to you or someone else? Who is your neighbour? Who are our neighbours? What has bread got to do with neighbours? Slide Nine I wonder why the robbers were there? I wonder why the man was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho? Have you been on a trip before?
Slide Ten I wonder why the robbers did this? Slide Eleven I wonder are there things that are happening that are going on that we sometimes overlook? Why do we overlook them? Slide Twelve What is a Levite? I wonder why the Levite passed by on the other side? Slide Thirteen I wonder why it was unusual for the Samaritan to stop and help the man? I wonder what pity means? Have you ever helped someone out who needed a hand? I wonder why you helped them? I wonder if this story was written today who would be the character of the Samaritan? Slide Fourteen Do you know anyone who reminds you of the Samaritan?
Slide Fifteen I wonder what a denarii is worth? I wonder where the Samaritan was going? Slide Sixteen How would you answer Jesus? Why? I wonder why Jesus asked this question? Slide Seventeen How can we go and do likewise?
How can we be like the Samaritan? I wonder who are the modern day Samaritans? What advice would you give to: -the Samaritan? -the robbers? -the people listening to this story? How is this story a narrative? Would you recommend this story to others? Why? I wonder why this story was written?