The importance of CNMHC using the internet In a study called Counting on the Internet, these are the subheads: Most expect to find key information online Most find the information they seek Many now turn to the Internet first
Who uses the Internet More MH Clients are online all the time…… “With over 60% of Americans now having Internet access and 40% of Americans having been online for more than three years, the Internet has become a mainstream information tool.” Consumers, Activists and Advocates Van in SB, Consumer at large
More consumers now have assess to computers than ever before Retail markets are becoming saturated with old desk top and lab top commuters, many Wellness Centers and Recovery Centers are providing computers to their clients as well as Advocacy support centers funded thro MHSA to support Advocacy have computer access. Consumer are now looking online first for answers. Most state now have consumer Empowerment web site. Soon, they’ll be consumer website for every county. You can do it all online.
Reaching Consumer/Servivers When thinking about reaching our constituency, we can’t ignore the computer. Regional interactive web sites like the Far North’s can be known as a kind of global meeting place where clients from all parts of the region can come together.
Connecting with other CNMHC members When a job comes into the CNMHC Corporate office, someone should always ask how it will translate online? California Network of Mental Health Consumers are now developing Regional web sites. The Far North region site is already up and running at: FarNorth FarNorth
CNMHC Far North Region CALIFORNIA NETWORK OF MENTAL HEALTH CLIENTS FAR NORTH REGION Welcome! We are members of CNMHC in Butte, Colusa, Del Norte, Lake, Lassen, Mendocino, Modoc, Glenn, Humboldt, Nevada, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Tehama, Trinity Counties. The California Network of Mental Health Clients (CNMHC) is a solely consumer-run organization whose membership consists of affiliates and individuals throughout the State. It provides a statewide advocacy voice for California's mental health consumers. The CNMHC is a critical participant, stakeholder, and advocacy agent in all statewide mental health policy processes. CNMHC also lends critical support to self help and mutual support groups and programs throughout the state. The California Department of Mental Health is contracting with the CNMHC to assist in implementing all of the consumer related aspects of the Mental Health Services Act, specifically, but not limited to: consumer operated programs, the meaningful and effective involvement of consumers in the Act implementation, the hiring of consumers in the mental health workforce as well as training of that workforce, and the reduction of stigma and discrimination campaigns. The CNMHC has the special expertise, experience and shared values that make it the most effective provider of these services. Far North Regional Coordinator, Joyce Ott, enables the CNMHC to provide the education, training, and technical assistance to clients around the sixteen (16) Counties of Far North California in the implementation of the MHSA, as well as to provide a strong client voice in all aspects of system change, statewide and locally. CNMHC is the organized statewide advocacy voice of and for persons with mental disabilities. The CNMHC Far North seeks to encourage and promote client-run selfhelp activities throughout the region. To this end, The CNMHC supports a self-help project in each of sixteen (16) Counties in the Far North regions. CALIFORNIA NETWORK OF MENTAL HEALTH CLIENTS Currently there is not a links back to this page from CNMHC main site. You will have to use your browser back button in order to renter to this CNMHC Far South Region site. This page's internet address is: Homepage About Us Objectives & Homepage About Us Objectives & Purposes Action Plan Projects History Calendar Contact Us Discussions Join Us! Humboldt Mendocino Shasta Trinity Purposes Action Plan Projects History Calendar Contact Us Discussions Join Us! Humboldt Mendocino Shasta Trinity
CNMHC Far North Region Homepage About Us Objectives & Homepage About Us Objectives & Purposes Action Plan Projects History Calendar Contact Us Discussions Join Us! Humboldt Mendocino Shasta Trinity Purposes Action Plan Projects History Calendar Contact Us Discussions Join Us! Humboldt Mendocino Shasta Trinity We are consumers of Mental Health Services in Trinity County who, together with DMH, are actively involved in promoting positive changes in mental health services delivery as outlined in California's Mental Health Services Act. In Trinity County "Nothing About US With Out US" Current Consumer Events in the Far North Region Save this date ; We are having a Far North Regional Forum on Friday, June 4 and Saturday, May 5, in Willows; Please see Calendar section for more details.Calendar
About Trilogy; hosting company our web sites CNMHC Regional Internet sites are a highly interactive, single information place where Mental Health consumers, can go to easily access a wide variety of important information. The resources in this "virtual community" include a fast, comprehensive Consumer/Survivor Resource Directory; links to pertinent Web sites from across the nation; a comprehensive, easy-to-use consumer message boards; political advocacy tools; and much more. Network of Care originally was sponsored by an innovation grant from the State of California in partnership with county governments and Trilogy Integrated Resources Inc
Again, the goal is for member involvement Your peers in your region and County are depending on you for information about events and how they can get involved with consumer empowerment. Another way to make our site interactive is to update it regularly with new and fresh content and information. If a viewer comes to your site repeatedly and find the same thing over and over, they are not as easily compelled to return.
How exactly are the Clint Network regional website interactive? And how can I make a deference for my peers So glad you asked! CNMHC members may add content to their regional site in a number of ways. Site participants may add information in text and/or graphics to the county pages on their CNMHC regional sites. Such as announcements about consumer empowerment activities in their counties. Give suggestions for consumer activities and reply to other members suggestions. Start a discussion on the regional discussion page. Upload files such as meeting agendas, training videos, PowerPoint Presentations.
Viewers Will Return to an Interactive Site! The purpose of CNMHC regional interactive websites is Why is bring consumers back? CNMHC Far North Region CALIFORNIA NETWORK OF MENTAL HEALTH CLIENTS FAR NORTH REGION Welcome! We are members of CNMHC in Butte, Colusa, Del Norte, Lake, Lassen, Mendocino, Modoc, Glenn, Humboldt, Nevada, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Tehama, and Trinity Counties. To bring consumers together Give them information they can use in their pursuits for social change in Mental Health Cause consumer/survivors to take action To mobilize around a common cause
CNMHC needs to recruit new members First step is to inter usable information Share our opinions with others The best way to do that is to make our regional website as informative as possible. It is important to bring viewer BACK to our site after they have viewed it for the first time.