How Much Is the Hot Dog? 1030Grade8 Unit6
Ask Prices A: How much is the hot dog? B: It’s twenty-five dollars. A: How much are these/those eggs? 多少錢 元數字 那些這些
Price=Numbers + dollar(s) 1 元 : 10 元 : 25 元 : 100 元 : 1,000 元 : 1,000,000 元 : one dollar ten dollars twenty-five dollars one hundred dollars one thousand dollars one million dollars
Numbers(1-20) 0zero 1One 2Two 3Three 4Four 5Five 6Six 7Seven 8Eight 9Nine 10Ten 11Eleven 12Twelve 13Thirteen 14Fourteen 15Fifteen 16Sixteen 17Seventeen 18Eighteen 19Nineteen 20Twenty
Numbers(21-) 21Twenty-one... 30Thirty 40Forty 50Fifty 60Sixty 70Seventy 80Eighty 90Ninety 100One hundred 101One hundred and one... 1,000One thousand 1,000,000One million
box bat
beef pork
chicken fish
sandwich pizza
ice cream cake
hamburger bread
hot dog egg
Practice-Let’s go shopping Mhttp:// M
Let’s Sing a Song and Practice- How much is the doggie in the window? oc oc
Reference MMhttp:// MM