SEMINAR NAIC/ASSAL/SVS REGULATION & SUPERVISION OF MARKET CONDUCT © 2014 National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC Standard Setting
THE ROLE OF THE NAIC Governed by chief insurance regulators Standard setting and support organization State insurance regulators establish standards State insurance regulators conduct peer review State insurance regulators coordinate oversight 2
NAIC MEMBER WORK PRODUCTS Model Acts Guidelines Handbooks Whitepapers Model Bulletins 3
UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES MODEL ACT Adopted in 1947 Sets forth sixteen defined unfair trade practices Two key prohibitions: misrepresentation and unfair discrimination Standard of conscious disregard or general business practice Penalties for violations 4
UNFAIR CLAIMS SETTLEMENT PRACTICES ACT Sets forth standards for the investigation of claims Misrepresenting material facts or policy provisions relating to coverage Failing to make a good faith effort to pay claims with clear liability Trying to make unreasonably low claim settlements Failing to approve or deny coverage within a reasonable time after receiving a proof-of-loss statement Standard of conscious disregard or general business practice 5
IMPROPER TERMINATION PRACTICES MODEL ACT Sets forth standards for the termination of policies Prohibition on unfair discrimination Recognizes insurer’s right to rescind Standards for notices of cancellation and non-renewals Sets forth permitted reasons for cancellations and non-renewals Sets forth standards for consumer appeal 6
SUITABILITY IN ANNUITY TRANSACTIONS MODEL REGULATION Producer must complete training on annuities Insurer must provide product-specific training Producer or insurer must obtain “suitability” information Insurer must have procedures to review annuity recommendations 7