☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. My Diary3 3 9 ▶ Word Check 1. ~ 처럼 2. 매 ~,~ 마다 3. 거대한 4. 익은 5. ~ 때문에 6. 달콤한 7. on one's own 8. 부탁하다 9. cut( 자르다 ) 의 과거형 10. piece 14. _________________________________________ __________ 15. ______________________________________ _____________ ▶ Comprehension Writing ☞ 그림에 해당하는 문장을 찾아 쓰시오. * She cut me six pieces of ice-cold watermelon. * But soon after, my tummy began to hurt. * I ate them all on my own. ☞ 뒤섞인 철자를 알맞게 배열해서 단어를 쓰시오. 11. aotewremln 12. ceah 13. selsno → ___________________ ___ →_________________ _
▶ Reading Comprehension Friday, August 12, 2011 Very Hot My favorite fruit is the watermelon! Every summer my mom buys huge, ripe watermelons for us. I love to eat it because it’s sweet and cold. Today, I went home after my piano lesson and asked my mom for my favorite fruit. She cut me six pieces of ice-cold watermelon. I ate them all on my own! I felt co ol afterward. But soon after, my tummy began to hurt. I think the watermelon was too cold for my tummy! Watermelons are healthier than ice cream. But if you eat too much, you will get a tummy ache like me. This is what I learned today. ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False) 를 쓰시오. My Diary What is TRUE? ① If you eat cold things too much, your tummy can begin to hurt. ② I felt warm after eating six pieces of watermelon. ③ I think that the watermelon was not cold enough to eat. ④ My mother cut the watermelon into sixteen pieces. 17. Why do I like the watermelon? ① It's sour and hot. ② It's cool and sweet. ③ It's bitter and salty. ④ It's greasy and spicy. 18. What is the opposite word of 'ripe'? ① real ② alive ③ unripe ④ usual 19. After eating much rice, I had a headache. ____ 20. I had a stomachache because the watermelon was too cold. ____
☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. My Diary3 3 9 ▶ Word Check 1. ~ 처럼 [like]2. 매 ~,~ 마다 [every] 3. 거대한 [huge]4. 익은 [ripe] 5. ~ 때문에 [because]6. 달콤한 [sweet] 7. on one's own [ 혼자서 ]8. 부탁하다 [ask] 9. cut( 자르다 ) 의 과거형 [cut]10. piece [ 조각 ] 14. I ate them all on my own. 15. She cut me six pieces of ice-cold watermelon. ▶ Comprehension Writing ☞ 그림에 해당하는 문장을 찾아 쓰시오. * She cut me six pieces of ice-cold watermelon. * But soon after, my tummy began to hurt. * I ate them all on my own. ☞ 뒤섞인 철자를 알맞게 배열해서 단어를 쓰시오. 11. aotewremln 12. ceah 13. selsno → watermelon → ache → lesson
▶ Reading Comprehension Friday, August 12, 2011 Very Hot My favorite fruit is the watermelon! Every summer my mom buys huge, ripe watermelons for us. I love to eat it because it’s sweet and cold. Today, I went home after my piano lesson and asked my mom for my favorite fruit. She cut me six pieces of ice-cold watermelon. I ate them all on my own! I felt co ol afterward. But soon after, my tummy began to hurt. I think the watermelon was too cold for my tummy! Watermelons are healthier than ice cream. But if you eat too much, you will get a tummy ache like me. This is what I learned today. ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False) 를 쓰시오. My Diary What is TRUE? [1] ① If you eat cold things too much, your tummy can begin to hurt. ② I felt warm after eating six pieces of watermelon. ③ I think that the watermelon was not cold enough to eat. ④ My mother cut the watermelon into sixteen pieces. 17. Why do I like the watermelon? [2] ① It's sour and hot. ② It's cool and sweet. ③ It's bitter and salty. ④ It's greasy and spicy. 18. What is the opposite word of 'ripe'? [3] ① real ② alive ③ unripe ④ usual 19. After eating much rice, I had a headache. [F] 20. I had a stomachache because the watermelon was too cold. [T]