Example of a Wind Rose
Broken into Sixteen Quadrants of Wind Direction Broken into percent of occurrence Broken into Wind Speed (units in km/hr)
Example of South West (SW) Wind Speed km/hr >40 Total (sum) SW* 2.1%5.4%6.8%1.1%0.2%0.0%15.7% Based on a ratio of occurrences at the selected wind speed ranges and selected wind direction (SW) over the total collected data during the time period analyzed. You could say that “~5% of the wind speed recorded was between 5 and 10 km/hr when the wind was blowing from the SW”
Example of a Particulate Matter Concentration Rose
Broken into Sixteen Quadrants of Wind Direction Broken into percent of occurrence Broken into PM 2.5 mass concentration levels (units in µg/m³)
Example of South West (SW) PM2.5 µg/m³ >80 Total (sum) SW* 12.5%2.8%0.1%0.0%0.1%0.0%15.5% Based on a ratio of occurrences at the selected particulate matter (PM 2.5 ) ranges and selected wind direction (SW) over the total collected data during the time period analyzed. You could say that “~3% of the PM 2.5 collected was between 10 and 20 µg/m³ when the wind was blowing from the SW”