Use of New Food Commodities and Products to Prevent and Address Malnutrition Martin W. Bloem Roy Henwood Jane De Marchi BuddhimaLokuga Rolf Campbell
Roy M. Henwood Confidential Assistant to the Administrator Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA) In 2002, Mr. Henwood joined FAS as Director, Eternal Affairs. He has spent the majority of his career as an agribusiness association executive and government relations practitioner. He served a sixteen-year term as President of the national trade association of the wheat, rye, oat and corn milling industries.
Jane DeMarchi Director of Government Relations North American Millers’ Association Ms De Marchi is responsible for advocating on behalf of the corn, wheat, and oat milling industry on a wide range of issues pertaining to food and grain quality and safety.
BuddhimaLokuge US Manager Access to Essential Medicines Campaign. Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors without borders.
Rolf Campbell Nutrition Consultant Land O’Lakes
Joint Statement WHO/UNICEF/WFP: Community-based management of severe malnutrition
13 (RUSF; RUFS; use soy instead of milk) Conclusions & Future Directions (enhanced FBFs)
% WFP FOOD FORTIFIED 100%+ MICRONUTRIENT NEEDS MET FORTIFICATION COMPLEMENTARY FOODS SPRINKLES Corn Soy Blend General Food Basket Cereals, Pulses, Legumes, Vegetable Oil, Salt, CSB Nutrition Strategy FEEDING BETTER FOOD… DSM is playing a critical strategic role in enabling WFP to launch the strategy at the global level. + micronutrients