Diabetes Insipidus Dr/ Abd Elghany Hefnawy
Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH) Vasopressin Water retention and reabsorption of sodium
Glucose -Bicarbonate -Na Blood -Na & K -Cl Glomerular filteration Ca, Ph, & Mg Na & K
Etiology Central Nephrogenic Kidney affections Weak response to ADH Partial or complete failure of release of ADH -Hyperkalemia -Causion’s syndrome
Clinical Signs
Polydepsia Polyueria Thirst Dehydration Weakness and emaciation
Emaciation Urinary incontinence
Diagnosis Case history (Etiology and predisposing factors) Clinical signs Laboratory diagnosis Low urine Sp Gr. Water deprivation test Vasopressin Response test
Water deprivation test For differentiation between central, nephrogenic DI and Psychogenic polydepsia Withholding of water until loss of 3-5% of body weight Urine Sp Gr is more than Administration of ADH and measuring of urine Sp Gr Time of dehydration Urine Sp Gr post- ADH injection Normal40-80 hoursNot increased Central DI3-5 hoursIncreased Nephrogenic DI3-5 hoursNot increased
Vasopressin Response test (Therapeutic diagnosis) Administration of 2-3 units of vasopressin (ADH) Temporary disappearance of polyueria with increase urine Sp Gr
Treatment & control -Reduction of salty diet with low protein intake -ADH Injection up to 2 unites twice daily -Desmopressin acetate by nasal or ocular drops 1-4 drops /day
ItemsDMDIRenal diseases Color of urine Dark yellowLike waterSlight yellow AspectClear Turbid PolyueriaSeverVery severAccording Sp Gr.HighVery LowLow GlucosueriaPresentAbsentAbsente AlbuminAbsenteabsentePresent Differential diagnosis of the causes of polyueria
Dwarfism (GH Deficiency) Dr/ Abd Elghany Hefnawy
Retardation of growth specially from weaning Retention of the baby coat Symmetrical alopecia Delayed eruption of the permanent teeth Testicular atrophy and abnormal estrous
Treatment -Administration of GH 0.1 IU/Kg SC 3 times /week for 4-6 weeks -Sex hormones, thyroxin and glucocorticoids may be used
Gigentism (Acromegaly) Dr/ Abd Elghany Hefnawy
-Excessive production of progesterone during diestrous -Prolonged adminsteration of progestin for preventing of estrous -Tumor in the pituitary gland Etiology
Excessive soft tissue around head and neck Excessive panting Exercise intolerance and fatigue Excessive skin folds Polyueria,polyphagia, polydepsia (Insulin resistant DM) as GH is diabetogenic
Diagnosis Clinical signs Laboratory diagnosis Hyperglycemia Hypercholesroterolemia Glucoseueria Increased GH level
Treatment -Administration of Insulin therapy to control of hyperglycemia -Overiohisterectomy -Stoppage of progestin therapy -Cobalt irradiation of pituitary tumor
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