SAFETY These are hazards in any establishment and their prevention is of tremendous importance. The housekeeper, along with other department heads, should endeavor to see that her staff are safely conscious. Poor housekeeping accounts for many accidents occur in an establishment.
Therefore the housekeeper has a great responsibility for making sure that her staff are aware of the common causes of accidents and of the necessary precautions to be taken. Maintain equipment and provide safe working practices for correct storage, handling and transporting
Information, instruction, training and supervision, to ensure the health and safety of employees. Safe exit and access to place of work. A good working environment without risk to health and with adequate facilities.
INJURY The following are same of the more frequent safety hazards and causes of personal injury which may occur: Spillages not immediately dealt with. Cleaning equipments left about, buckets etc., Faulty step ladders Poor lighting in corridors and on stairs
Contd No hand grips on baths Slippery floors A step in an unusual steps Protective wear when segregating wastes.
CUTS AND ABRASION Because of: Careless disposal of broken glasses. Falling objects Objects poorly stacked and shelves over laden
BURNS AND SCALD Because of: Absence of fire guards Careless lighting of gas equipment Newspaper etc., left too near a fire Careless positioning/use electric equipment Misuse of electricity by over loading
Electric shock Electric shock can cause because of : Touching bare live wires
Accidents Any accidents at work either to patient or staff should be reported immediately to management.
Prevention of accidents Use of correct working methods Need for tidiness in their work Need for storing things in their right places Dangerous of floor surfaces being left wet Over polished
Necessity of reporting surfaces and articles in need of repair or replacement. Need for warning signs on wet floors
Contd The housekeeper should herself make the necessary reports to maintenance and follow up these reports Hand grips on baths Good lighting on stairs and corridors Special marks on clear glass doors to prevent people walking into them.
Prevention of fire As in the prevention of personal injury every precaution possible should be taken against fire. Staff should made aware of: Smoking inside the premises Using electric light bulbs that are too strong in lamps Not reporting faulty electrical equipment
The housekeeper should make provision for: Suitable waste paperbins Flame resistant and non toxic furnishing materials Proper storage for cleaning rugs, linen, rubbish etc.,
Fire emergencies In the event of a fire Attack fire if no personal risk, Close windows, switch off electrical appliances, Close door and report to immediate superior, Do not lifts
Fire fighting equipments Buckets of water- easily used but unless they are checked frequently there may be insufficient water in them at the time of an emergency Buckets of sand- useful for smothering small fire and may be used if perfectly dry on electric fire. Hose reels- can extend upto 36 meters
Water extinguisher They are used for fires involving wood, paper and cloth.they should not be used on live electrical equipment, burning fats and oils.
Carbon dioxide extinguishers: They are used for fires involving inflammable liquids such as oil,fat,petrol, paint and solid fuel.They can be safely used on live electrical equipment
Foam extinguisher They are used for fires involving wood and inflammable liquids. Instructions given on the extinguisher should be checked as some type of foam extinguisher are not suitable for live electrical equipment.
Powder extinguishers They are used for electrical fires and fires involving inflammable liquids
summary All service personnel should posses adequate knowledge of safety measures to e followed at work. Accidents are caused y excessive haste, panic, distraction and failure to apply safety rules.
Contd High level of sanitation can be maintained, if regular cleaning and maintenance of property and equipment are practiced.
Thank you
Some points to remember Do not run Do not use lifts Do not allow anybody to go back for personal belongings Do not open the door if you think there are flames on the other side.