Whirling Disease And It’s Effects on Trout Populations
What is Whirling Disease? n Erratic behavior exhibited by trout infected by a parasite Myxobolus cerebralis n Causing mutations which force trout to swim in circles or whirl
Affected Species of Trout n Cutthroat, Rainbow, Brown, Brook Trout Species n Rainbow and Cutthroat seem to be most negatively affected
What Causes Whirling Disease?
Whirling Trout
Where Is It Found? n Found in 21 countries and 22 states in the US n Some states include NJ, NY, Ct, Ca, Ut, and Wy
Origins n Originally believed transferred from Europe, through introductions of certain trout species n Has been spread further through stocking programs, legal and illegal
Reasons for Spreading of WD n Detection n Careless Public
Detection n Hard to detect n Could not be detected until fish infected for 4 months or longer n Required grinding up fish heads to look for spores under a microscope n New Technique called Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Careless Public n People carelessly transfer fish between rivers to try to introduce species n Carry mud into other rivers on waders or on boats or other equipment n Cleaning fish in streams
Ways to Reduce Spread of WD n Wash off mud from boots, boats or equipment n Do not clean fish from one stream in another n Do not transfer live fish between streams n Do not dispose of fish entrails and skeletal matter in sink disposal n Do not use trout, salmon, whitefish or bullheads as bait
Other Problems Associated with WD n $ Money n Each test costs about $25 per fish per test n Considering est. 100,000 fish stocked yearly in NJ, similar in other states, very expensive n Perhaps cost can be factored into license costs
What can I do? n Follow helpful steps and help educate others n Contact: Whirling Disease Task Force at http//: or by mail at: PO Box 6517 Helena, MT 59604