to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)
low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable
masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)
unconquerable, unbeatable invincible
grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak
untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod
to get stuck mire (v)
spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous
undersized, miniature, small diminutive
rough, strong, harsh rugged
to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation
to blame, reprimand, scold chide
an expert adept (n)
a feat, deed exploit (n)
lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid
disable, cripple, harm impair
an introduction, preface, prologue preamble
mud; a tough situation mire (n)
To cause to become, make; to perform render
incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous
inclined to doubt skeptical
yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire
untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod
low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable
lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid
brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive
to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)
unconquerable, unbeatable invincible
masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)
grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak
to get stuck mire (v)
rough, strong, harsh rugged
to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation
undersized, miniature, small diminutive
to blame, reprimand, scold chide
spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous
an expert adept (n)
a feat, deed exploit (n)
disable, cripple, harm impair
an introduction, preface, prologue preamble
To cause to become, make; to perform render
incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous
inclined to doubt skeptical
yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire
brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive
mud; a tough situation mire (n)
to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)
low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable
masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)
unconquerable, unbeatable invincible
grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak
untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod
to get stuck mire (v)
spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous
undersized, miniature, small diminutive
rough, strong, harsh rugged
to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation
to blame, reprimand, scold chide
an expert adept (n)
a feat, deed exploit (n)
lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid
disable, cripple, harm impair
an introduction, preface, prologue preamble
mud; a tough situation mire (n)
To cause to become, make; to perform render
incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous
inclined to doubt skeptical
yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire
untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod
low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable
lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid
brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive
to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)
unconquerable, unbeatable invincible
masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)
grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak
to get stuck mire (v)
rough, strong, harsh rugged
to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation
undersized, miniature, small diminutive
to blame, reprimand, scold chide
spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous
an expert adept (n)
a feat, deed exploit (n)
disable, cripple, harm impair
an introduction, preface, prologue preamble
To cause to become, make; to perform render
incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous
inclined to doubt skeptical
yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire
brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive
mud; a tough situation mire (n)
to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)
low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable
masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)
unconquerable, unbeatable invincible
grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak
untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod
to get stuck mire (v)
spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous
undersized, miniature, small diminutive
rough, strong, harsh rugged
to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation
to blame, reprimand, scold chide
an expert adept (n)
a feat, deed exploit (n)
lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid
disable, cripple, harm impair
an introduction, preface, prologue preamble
mud; a tough situation mire (n)
To cause to become, make; to perform render
incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous
inclined to doubt skeptical
yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire
untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod
low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable
lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid
brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive
to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)
unconquerable, unbeatable invincible
masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)
grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak
to get stuck mire (v)
rough, strong, harsh rugged
to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation
undersized, miniature, small diminutive
to blame, reprimand, scold chide
spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous
an expert adept (n)
a feat, deed exploit (n)
disable, cripple, harm impair
an introduction, preface, prologue preamble
To cause to become, make; to perform render
incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous
inclined to doubt skeptical
yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire
brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive
mud; a tough situation mire (n)
to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)
low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable
masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)
unconquerable, unbeatable invincible
grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak
untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod
to get stuck mire (v)
spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous
undersized, miniature, small diminutive
rough, strong, harsh rugged
to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation
to blame, reprimand, scold chide
an expert adept (n)
a feat, deed exploit (n)
lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid
disable, cripple, harm impair
an introduction, preface, prologue preamble
mud; a tough situation mire (n)
To cause to become, make; to perform render
incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous
inclined to doubt skeptical
yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire
untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod
low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable
lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid
brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive
to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)
unconquerable, unbeatable invincible
masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)
grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak
to get stuck mire (v)
rough, strong, harsh rugged
to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation
undersized, miniature, small diminutive
to blame, reprimand, scold chide
spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous
an expert adept (n)
a feat, deed exploit (n)
disable, cripple, harm impair
an introduction, preface, prologue preamble
To cause to become, make; to perform render
incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous
inclined to doubt skeptical
yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire
brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive
mud; a tough situation mire (n)