STRONG STUDY HABITS 3 TIPS to Help Foster a Study Habit
1. Find a Challenge Requiring Study Challenging material = greater success The experience, if done correctly, will involve: ~some struggle to understand new ideas ~not always being the smartest kid in the room ~getting less than perfect scores ~having to study to do well “Bloom” the standards: find an alternative that will encourage your child to understand subjects more deeply by addressing the “Why?” questions“Why?” questions
2. Encourage a Growth Mindset Praise and Motivation Children who believe intelligence is fixed tend to believe truly smart people don’t need effort in order to succeed. Children who believe intelligence can be developed are much more likely to credit hard work as a key factor in achievement. Children who were praised for their intelligence instead of their effort were more likely to avoid challenges for fear of failing and losing praise. fear of failing
Embrace Growth Mindset Children can be taught about growth mindset when educated on how the brain gets stronger and smarter through the process of learning. Students who are taught about brain development in addition to study skills outperform those who are taught only study skills. Students not taught about brain development are not motivated to put skills to use. Make sure your child understands the positive impact he can have on her brain and save your praise for the effort she puts into learning and studying.
3. Turn Tables, Have Child Quiz You Process of creating questions, reinforces concepts that will be tested. When grading you, child gets analytical exercise in determining whether answers are correct and why incorrect answers are wrong.
Have Child Quiz You Start young! The study habit is one best formed at a younger age when behavior and attitude are more malleable.
Have Child Quiz You Give your brain cells a workout at the same time! Bright children often enjoy discussing and sharing their knowledge and are more than happy to “show you up.”
Combating Stress
GENERAL STRESS REDUCTION visualization, relaxation, meditation, self-talk “rest & digest” system
Reduce STRESS 1. Practice daily breathing exercises with deep inhalation and equally deep exhalation This should be done for three to five minutes twice daily 2. Engage in quiet self-talk to help guide brain to remain calm 3. Learn how to meditate and to gain mindfulness 4. Exercise daily with moderate exertion 5. Increase fish intake to 8 ounces weekly 6. Work on being in the moment and enjoying those you love
Stress Reduction TEST TAKING Strategies Improve your test results and relieve a lot of stress and test taking anxiety.
Before Exam Tips Study/Review/Practice the material with a friend solo write/read/speak
Get a Good Night’s Sleep Important for clear thinking & stress relief Eat Breakfast Important for energy Visualize “See” yourself easily answering questions correctly
During the Exam Focus Avoid distractions Budget your time Read questions carefully Resist temptation to change answers
Don’t waste time worrying. Recognize you don’t have time to worry about the results. Take deep breathing breaks Check work carefully to avoid careless errors
After the Exam Congratulate yourself!
Combating Perfectionism
Fixed Mind Set leads to… Perfectionism
Parenting Perfectionists Help perfectionists: avoid dichotomous thinking face challenges w/o harsh self-criticism strive for personal excellence
Emphasize Personal Growth Rather than Top Performance Parent needs to model a growth mindset, focusing encouragement on effort, and stressing growth rather than performance
Developing a Growth Mindset failure = opportunity to learn and grow strive for personal excellence, without the burden of unachievable goals of perfection Fixed mindset is learned and can be modified with effort Emphasizing process not outcome Give opportunities to practice new skills Set goals stressing improvement
Opportunities to Build Small Successes and Experience Small Failures Excellence requires practice, hard work, and the ability to learn from mistakes Follow your child’s personal interests and avoid high stakes endeavors that may add stress Pick tasks that require work for incremental improvement, where the perfectionist won’t encounter immediate success.
Seek opportunities that require practice for skill development Don’t let the perfectionist child quit! Remind them that innate talent only takes a person so far and the most successful in any field work hard to get there Reading biographies can help a gifted perfectionist set realistic expectations. Nobel prize winners aren’t born espousing theory.
What Else Can Parents do? Recognize the positive and negative traits of perfectionism. Model acceptance of your own mistakes, and let your child know you are not perfect. Help your child set realistic standards for themselves. Teach the concept of constructive failure
Assure child that your love for him is unconditional and not contingent on his successes or failures. Don’t let study interfere with healthy eating and sleeping! Be on the look out for physical symptoms, i.e. nausea on days of tests, excessive nervousness, loss of humor
Additional References