The Effects Of Littering On The Environment Grenada Solid Waste Management Authority
What Is Littering? The careless discarding of light weight waste material. The careless discarding of light weight waste material. The disposing of waste items in places other than the bin. The disposing of waste items in places other than the bin. It is a practice that is carried out by persons who don’t care for the environment. It is a practice that is carried out by persons who don’t care for the environment.
Myths About Littering The practice of littering occurs because there are insufficient bins available. The practice of littering occurs because there are insufficient bins available. The practice of littering has no harmful effects. The practice of littering has no harmful effects. The cleaning up of litter is the street cleaner’s job. The cleaning up of litter is the street cleaner’s job. Only children and teenagers litter. Only children and teenagers litter.
Facts About Littering Believe it or not, the practice of littering usually occurs within the vicinity of litter bins. Eg. Bus shelters. Believe it or not, the practice of littering usually occurs within the vicinity of litter bins. Eg. Bus shelters. Littering has many harmful effects; it can attract pests and vermin, causing health problems, it causes our environment to look unclean and unhealthy, and when thrown into seas and rivers, it can kill aquatic life and affect water quality. Littering has many harmful effects; it can attract pests and vermin, causing health problems, it causes our environment to look unclean and unhealthy, and when thrown into seas and rivers, it can kill aquatic life and affect water quality.
Facts About Litter continued.. Although street cleaners are paid to clean litter, it is our responsibility to dispose our waste in a proper manner. Proper litter disposal is our civic duty. Although street cleaners are paid to clean litter, it is our responsibility to dispose our waste in a proper manner. Proper litter disposal is our civic duty.
Adults, too, are to be blamed for the problem of littering. While children are becoming more environmentally conscious, and are being trained to keep their environment clean, some adults still throw waste into streets, drains and out of vehicles and act as if nothing is wrong with what they do. Adults, too, are to be blamed for the problem of littering. While children are becoming more environmentally conscious, and are being trained to keep their environment clean, some adults still throw waste into streets, drains and out of vehicles and act as if nothing is wrong with what they do.
Litter Prevention & Control Purchase and consume fresh fruits and vegetables rather than packaged snacks, bearing mind that fruit seeds and peelings ought to be properly disposed of in bins. Purchase and consume fresh fruits and vegetables rather than packaged snacks, bearing mind that fruit seeds and peelings ought to be properly disposed of in bins. Use a bin to dispose of your litter, if one is not readily available, hold on to your waste item until you find one. Use a bin to dispose of your litter, if one is not readily available, hold on to your waste item until you find one. Adhere to NO EATING and NO DRINKING signs on onboard public transportation. Adhere to NO EATING and NO DRINKING signs on onboard public transportation. Share with others the negative effects of littering. Share with others the negative effects of littering.
Litter Prevention & Control continued… Encourage drivers to make use of litter pouches, or plastic bags, to dispose of waste on board. Encourage drivers to make use of litter pouches, or plastic bags, to dispose of waste on board. When at home, place waste in tied bags or covered bins, in order to prevent waste spills in your neighbourhood. When at home, place waste in tied bags or covered bins, in order to prevent waste spills in your neighbourhood. Place your waste out only on the days and times scheduled for waste collection in your community to prevent dogs and other pets from causing litter spills in your community. Place your waste out only on the days and times scheduled for waste collection in your community to prevent dogs and other pets from causing litter spills in your community. Engage in clean-up activities organized by your school, church or community. Engage in clean-up activities organized by your school, church or community.
Effects Of A Clean & Healthy Environment A clean environment is conducive to healthy living, learning, work and recreation. A clean environment is conducive to healthy living, learning, work and recreation. Clean and beautiful surroundings are an asset to our tourism sector. Clean and beautiful surroundings are an asset to our tourism sector. Clean and healthy environments can prevent the spread diseases caused by poor hygienic conditions. Clean and healthy environments can prevent the spread diseases caused by poor hygienic conditions. Everyone benefits from a clean environment…so let’s work hard toward one!! Everyone benefits from a clean environment…so let’s work hard toward one!!
What Can YOU Do To Maintain A Clean School Environment?