Characters Arthur Jarvis greatly admired this U.S. president.
Characters Who was Abraham Lincoln?
Characters This character (Arthur’s brother- in-law) reveres Arthur for his dedication to social issues.
Characters Who is John Harrison?
Characters These three characters are on trial for the murder of Arthur Jarvis.
Characters Who are Absalom Kumalo, Matthew Kumalo, and Johannes Parfuri?
Characters This character scolds Gertrude for her careless behavior, and scolds Absalom’s girlfriend for talking idly.
Characters Who is Mrs. Lithebe?
Characters – 1000 Chapter 28 is almost exclusively about the guilt (or innocence) of the 3 black natives; it is presented to the reader from this person’s point of view.
Characters – 1000 Who is the judge?
Events This is where James Jarvis shook the hand of a black man for the first time.
Events What is the funeral for his son, Arthur?
Events Gertrude tells Mrs. Lithebe that she wants to become this.
Events What is a nun?
Events This weather condition afflicts the farming in and around Ndotsheni.
Events What is a drought?
Events This is the reason that Absalom gives for carrying a revolver during the break-in.
Events What is because he was frightened?
Events After the verdict has been read, the young white man breaks this custom which is “not lightly done.”
Events What is help Stephen Kumalo out of the courtroom? (What is “break the racial line” coming out of the courtroom?)
Quotes “I have only this to say, that I killed this man, but I did not mean to kill him.”
Quotes Who is Absalom Kumalo?
Quotes “This thing that is the heaviest thing of all my years, is the heaviest thing of all your years also.”
Quotes Who is Stephen Kumalo?
Quotes “Therefore, I shall try to do what is right, and to speak what is true.”
Quotes Who is Arthur Jarvis?
Quotes “Let us sell our labor for what it is worth. And if an industry cannot buy our labor, let that industry die. But let us not sell our labor cheap to keep any industry alive.”
Quotes Who is John Kumalo?
Quotes "The truth is that our society is not Christian; it is a tragic compound of great ideal and fearful practice, of high assurance and desperate anxiety, of loving charity and fearful clutching of possession. Allow me a minute..."
Quotes Who is Arthur Jarvis?
Places This is the name of Arthur Jarvis’s farm.
Places What is High Place?
Places In one of his essays, Arthur Jarvis writes that his parents taught him to be honorable, but taught him nothing about this.
Places What is the country of South Africa? (What is the racial injustice of South Africa?)
Places The house of this favorite niece of Margaret Jarvis is where Stephen Kumalo unexpectedly meets James Jarvis.
Places Who is Barbara Smith?
Places Msimangu decides to retire here at the end of Book II.
Places What is a monastery?
Places This is the region where gold is discovered.
Places What is the Orange Free State? (Or, what is Odendaalsrust?)
Potpourri Stephen Kumalo promises to try to find the daughter of this man.
Potpourri Who is Sibeko?
Potpourri This is what Mr. Harrison advocates to solve the “native problem.”
Potpourri What is stricter laws, more police/more control?
Potpourri This word, which means “allowable,” is repeated throughout Arthur Jarvis’s unfinished manuscript on the history of South Africa’s society.
Potpourri What is “permissible”?
Potpourri These are two instances when someone gives money to another person near the end of Book II.
Potpourri What is when Msimangu gives Stephen his life savings (more than 33 pounds), and when James Jarvis gives 1000 pounds to John Harrison for the social club?
Potpourri Stephen Kumalo remembers this character as “having a brightness in him.”
Potpourri Who is Arthur Jarvis?