CR 236 Resurfacing from US 441 to I-75 30% Plans Alachua County Board of County Commissioners September 28, 2010
Recommendation Approve the 30% plans as proposed and direct staff to proceed with the design phase and return to the Board of County Commissioners at 90%.
Project Background Purpose: to rehabilitate the pavement and provide for minor safety and drainage modifications Approved by the Board of County Commissioners in 2007 Design funded by 2007 Sales Tax Bond Construction to be funded by second sales tax bond or other source
High Springs Elementary Project Location CR 236 High Springs High Springs Elementary Project Length = 5 miles NW 201 st Lane US 441 I-75
Existing Cross Section US 441 to NW 201 st Lane
Existing Cross Section NW 201 st Lane to I-75
Traffic Data Count Station Station LocationAADT Heavy Truck % Speed Posted85th 10 MPH Pace 1NE 8th Avenue (City Limits) mph40 mph31-40mph 2NW 214th Terrace mph63 mph51-60 mph 3South of I-75 Ramp mph63 mph51-60 mph
Crash Data No.DateTypeContributing Cause 16/8/2006AnimalDeer 26/23/2006SideswipeDrove Left of Center 312/21/2006Off RoadCareless Driving 48/3/2007DitchExceed Safe Speed 512/11/2007Off RoadImproper Lane Change 61/17/2008Left TurnImproper Turn 72/25/2008AnimalDeer 83/2/2008SideswipeImproper Passing 910/3/2009AnimalDeer 1010/10/2009SideswipeCareless Driving 1110/25/2009AnimalDeer 1212/29/2009SideswipeDriver Distraction
Crash Rate Comparison Crashes per million vehicle miles traveled
Pavement Condition Alligator cracking Edge of pavement drop-offs Potholes Base failures
Pavement Condition Results of geotechnical evaluation Cracking to the base Poorly constructed base Clay pockets Complete pavement removal required for most of the project
Stormwater Issues Erosion and sedimentation control Flooding Water quality
Stormwater Issues Depressional Areas
Proposed Cross Section US 441 to NW 201 st Lane
Proposed Cross Section NW 201 st Lane to I-75
Proposed Safety Modifications Reconstruct damaged portions of the sidewalk Address drop-off hazards at the edge of the sidewalk Provide ADA ramps at intersections Remove large roadside hazards Remove edge-of pavement drop-offs
Proposed Stormwater Modifications Provide swales through the City of High Springs Construct ditch blocks and weirs near the depressional areas Remove sediment from pipes and drainage ditches Chip seal and add erosion control at the intersection of Old Bellamy Road
Proposed Multimodal Modifications Provide marked bike lanes up to NW 201 st Lane Provide paved shoulders from NW 201 st Lane to I-75 Fill in gaps in sidewalks and extend up to NW 201 st Lane on both sides Widen sidewalk on west side up to 8’ wherever possible
Proposed Landscaping Add shade trees where possible around new and existing sidewalk Preserve scenic views in agricultural areas
Recommendation Approve the 30% plans as proposed and direct staff to proceed with the design phase and return to the Board of County Commissioners at 90%.