Cartography Expectations Goals Methods
Expectations Professional Quality Maps Something you would proudly submit at a job in the real world Visually appealing Factually correct Avoid careless errors (e.g. scale bar that indicates the U.S. To be 2 miles across)
Goals Draw Attention Visually appealing Interesting to look at Communicate Information Easy to understand Effective use of symbols, labels, text, etc. to get your point across
Where to Start Think about Who is your audience? (Primary vs. Secondary?) What information do you want to convey Prioritize Balance between appearance and information What is your medium Paper (size?) Powerpoint Poster
Elements of a Map Spatial Data Title Scale Bar North Arrow Labels Symbols Legend Text Grid Lines Pictures Projection & Datum Credits Regional Map(s)
Every Element has a Purpose Think about every element you include on a map Why did you choose this symbol to represent campsites? Why do the river labels look the way they do? Answer should always be: to make the map look better and/or to communicate information more effectively
Things to Consider Color Size Of map elements Of map on page Placement Position Orientation Fonts Units Must make sense Should be intuitive Style Scale bars Number of divisions North Arrows