BONJOUR! Les lettres sont mélangées! Unscramble the letters to find country names in French
Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson… You MUST be able to recognise some forms of transport You SHOULD be able to say how you travel in a full sentence You COULD be able to give an opinion on your choice of transport Today’s lesson objectives are… To revise the countries from last lesson in French To introduce transport vocabulary in French
Oú habite-t-il? In which country does Pierre live? habiter (to live) J’habit _ Tu habit _ _ Il / Elle / On habit _ Nous habit _ _ _ Vous habit _ _ Ils / Elles habit _ _ _ e e e e e s z ons nt Il / Elle / On habite Il habite en … France Espagne Autriche Italie Irlande
Objective 1! How well do you think you know the countries? Can you say where people live using ‘habiter’? E.G – J’habite à Hexham | Pierre habite en France. Do you know the difference between à and en?
Homework! for Monday 14 th November 2011 Learn the countries from your vocabulary booklet for a test at the beginning of the lesson next week (Unité 2, Liste 1) You will be asked 6 in English and 6 in French and Complete Unit 2, Homework 1 in your homework booklet
métro bateau train tram avion bus vélo voiture moto taxi car pied
La bataille navale!
Exercice d’écoute! Page 26 – Exercice 2 – Ils voyagent comment? Which mode of transport is mentioned? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) B H J A L C K M E I
Translate these sentences into French I go by boat I travel by car I go on foot I travel by bike I go by coach I travel by motorbike If you have finished, try writing your own sentences using a variety of modes of transport and using either ‘je vais’ or ‘je voyage’. Try extending your sentences by saying where you are going and why you have chosen that mode of transport. EXAMPLE – Je voyage en France en avion parce que c’est rapide Je vais en bateau Je voyage en voiture Je vais à pied Je voyage à vélo Je vais en car Je voyage à moto
Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson… You MUST be able to recognise some forms of transport You SHOULD be able to say how you travel in a full sentence You COULD be able to give an opinion on your choice of transport Today’s lesson objectives are… To revise the countries from last lesson in French To introduce transport vocabulary in French