Thessalonians had misgivings about two things 1 state 1 The state of those who die before the Lord returns (1 Th.4:13-18) 2 date 2 The date of the Lord’s.


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Presentation transcript:

Thessalonians had misgivings about two things 1 state 1 The state of those who die before the Lord returns (1 Th.4:13-18) 2 date 2 The date of the Lord’s return (1 Th.5:1-11) 1 state 1 The state of those who die before the Lord returns (1 Th.4:13-18) 2 date 2 The date of the Lord’s return (1 Th.5:1-11)

Two extreme views of the Lord’s coming 1. Fanatical obsessions. Predictors… 2. Fatal indifference. Some don’t care…

I. Written Preparation (1 Th.5:1-11)

When these things (4:13-18) will happen (1) Times: specific time or occasion; quality of time Seasons: time in general; quantity of time No need to write. Watchers need no date; they stay ready

Why no need to write (2)? You know! 2 Th.2:5 Perfectly (Lk.1:3) Yet, 2 Th.2:1-3 Day of Lord Day of Lord. OT expression (nations). Now personalized. As a thief As a thief. Breaks in at unexpected time. So will Christ. Mt.24:42-44

“They say peace, safety…” (3) Like labor pains: 1. Inevitable 2. Unpredictable People who are at ease lose all (Lk.12:16-21) Ac.24:24-25

But you are not in darkness (4) Sons of light…Sons of day (5) “Son” of anything marks its character Sons of light…Sons of day (5) “Son” of anything marks its character Sons of belial Son of perdition Sons of this world... Sons of light, Lk.16:8

Do not sleep (6) Sleep: careless; indifferent to danger Opposite of... Watch! Be sober! (Jon.1:5-6) Avoid everything wild or unlawful Self-control Watch! Be sober! (Jon.1:5-6) Avoid everything wild or unlawful Self-control

Not in daylight (7-8)! Ac.2:15 God’s gracious intention (9-10) Repetition (11 = 4:18) Result: salvation Christ: died for us Wanted: Dead or Alive! (10)

I.Written Preparation (1 Th.5:1-11) I.Written Preparation (1 Th.5:1-11) II. Watchful Preparation (How to be ready for His coming?)

1. Be certain: He will come 1. Be certain: He will come (2) Present Not referring to Pentecost / AD 70 / Rv. Our job: not to get a date, but be ready Our danger: worldly cares distract (Lk.21:34-36)

A comparison (Lk.21 – 1 Th.5) Lk.21: Th.5:2, 4 That day, 34Day of Lord, 2, 4 Come on, 34Comes upon, 3 Suddenly, 34Sudden,3 Worthy to escape, 36Shall not escape, 3 Hurricane Firemen Police ER

2. Stay in the light 2. Stay in the light (4-8) Light implies...  Perception, 2, 4  Purity, 7-8  Pardon, 8-10 Jn.3:19-21; Ep.1: Th.4:1-8 Removed from multitude who receive wrath

3. Be alert 3. Be alert (6) Some insomnia is good Sleep implies...  Ignorance. 4:13  Illusions. 2 Th.2:2 (Jd.8)  Inactivity. Mk.14:38

4. Watch 4. Watch (6) Mental alertness; avoids distractions 5. Self-control 5. Self-control (6-7) Avoids drunkenness, 7 Some are literally drunk Others, spiritually Avoids drunkenness, 7 Some are literally drunk Others, spiritually

6. Armored 6. Armored (8, 10) Breastplate: faith and love Helmet: hope of salvation 1 Th. 1:3 Faith: Lord Faith: Lord Love: Neighbor Love: Neighbor Hope: Self Hope: Self

7. Encourage 7. Encourage (11) Don’t just take comfort; give it 8. Edify 8. Edify (11) First appearance of edification in NT “He climbs higher who helps another up!”

9. Keep on keeping on 9. Keep on keeping on (11) Don’t quit what you’re already doing Light Prepared Salvation Light Prepared Salvation Darkness Unprepared Wrath Darkness Unprepared Wrath

Be certain He will come, 2 Stay in the light, 4-8 Be alert, 6 Watch, 6 Self-control, 6 Armored, 8, 10 Encourage, 11 Edify, 11 Keep on keeping on, 11 Listen to the warnings