Test Taking Strategies Quiet Please Testing is Now in Session……..Pay Very close a Attention you may learn something. Ms. Thomas
Test Taking Strategies Game Rules Since you are required to learn these VERY important strategies that will help you excel on the TAKS test let’s make it fun. Throughout the presentation you will be learning some old Testing Tips and maybe some new ones. At certain point I will stop and give you a quick quiz. These quizzes are worth some very appetizing prizes. However, there will be a short test at the end. So let’s begin shall we……..
Tip #1- Read the directions carefully This may be obvious, but it will help you avoid careless errors If there is time, quickly look through the test for an overview. Note key terms, jot down brief notes that may help you to understand the directions/questions.
Tip #2-Answer questions in a strategic order: First easy questions to build confidence, score points. Know how to survive a test by using the clues given in the questions and answer choices (It may help you make associations with more difficult questions)
Cont. Tip #2-Answer questions in a strategic order: Then difficult questions or those with the most point value. First eliminate those answers you know to be wrong, or are likely to be wrong, don't seem to fit, or where two options are so similar as to be both incorrect.
Tip #3-Review: Resist the urge to leave as soon as you have completed all the items Review your test to make sure that you have answered all questions, not mis-marked the answer sheet, or made some other simple mistake.Proofread your writing for spelling, grammar, punctuation, decimal points, etc.
Tiny Helpful Suggestion Change answers to questions if you originally misread them or if you have encountered information elsewhere in the test that indicates that your first choice is incorrect
Break….Quiz #1 By raising your hand who can answer the following questions……………….. 1. What is the first thing you should do and why is it important? 2. How does answering the easy questions first seem like good time management skill? 3. Why do you need to Review your test after you have completed it?
UNDERSTAND what the question is asking. Underline or highlight keywords or phrases in the question NOTE key information and facts in diagrams and drawings
PLAN a strategy to answer the question Students should… Identify what information you need to answer the question Know how and when to use the calculators, formula charts, periodic table, dictionary and thesauruses provided you and then USE THEM!
SOLVE THE PROBLEM - Think about a logical response READ ALL OF THE ANSWER CHOICES GIVEN. Go Back and look and highlight key words, chart title and chart information. Use the ancillary materials given you to help you assess the answer.
Break….Quiz #2 What does UPS stand for?
Remember This… Read the answer choices and reread the question for clues and information in the passage or question. Do not be lured into an answer that “looks good” or seems logical – it is important to read the entire question because test makers like to trick you with a likely answer when there may be one that is more appropriate to the question.
Tip # 4-Essay Writing When answering essay questions, try to make an outline in the margin before you begin writing. Organization, clear thinking, and good writing is important, but so is neatness. Be sure to make your writing legible.
Tip# 5- Short Answer Questions They are far from a Yes or No Answer!!! Step 1- Find an Idea…You may want to re-state the question in a sentence and then answer it. Example: Was Jennifer wrong for leaving Jeremy at the dance alone? Answer: Jennifer was not wrong from leaving Jeremy at the dance. He started to yell at her and she felt embarrassed.
Tip# 5- Short Answer Questions They are far from a Yes or No Answer!!! Step 2: Evidence-Find a quote that supports your answer. Example: Question: Was Jennifer wrong for leaving Jeremy at the dance alone? Answer: Jennifer was not wrong from leaving Jeremy at the dance. He started to yell at her and she felt embarrassed. “As Jeremy continued to yell Jennifer could feel everyone looking at her and all of a sudden she began to cry.”
Tip# 5- Short Answer Questions They are far from a Yes or No Answer!!! Step 3-Connect your quote back to your idea. Example: Question: Was Jennifer wrong for leaving Jeremy at the dance alone? Answer: Jennifer was not wrong from leaving Jeremy at the dance. He started to yell at her and she felt embarrassed. “As Jeremy continued to yell Jennifer could feel everyone looking at her and all of a sudden she began to cry.” This excerpt demonstrates Jennifer’s changing feelings as Jeremy continues to yell at her in front of the whole senior class. She can no longer take his abusive behavior and decides that she is going to leave him there rather than be embarrassed any further.
Make sure you understand what the question is asking. Are we communicating? Make sure you understand what the question is asking. Be sure you are responding to the question that is being asked.
Break……Quiz # 3 1. What strategy should you use BEFORE writing your essay? 2. What should you ALWAYS do after writing your essay? 3. Name the three steps to writing a short answer question?
T'was the Night Before TAKS
‘Twas the Night Before Testing Go to bed on time. Put a few number 2 pencils with erasers in your backpack. Solve family/friend problems before the testing date. Talk to your parents about any concerns that you might have about the test.
The Morning of Testing Start your day as you always do. Eat a good breakfast. Think of what you will do to relax after you get home from school. Think Positive!
Pace Yourself Don’t spend too much time on any one question. Do your best and then move on. Answers the easiest questions first, but be sure to go back to those questions you skipped.
Multiple Choice Questions Do not change your answers unless you are very uncertain about your first answer choice. Try to answer every question. Make the most intelligent guess you can.
The Process of Elimination After you have been through all of the questions once, go back and find questions you have some knowledge about and eliminate choices that you know are incorrect. I know C isn’t the answer!
The Process of Elimination If you can eliminate two wrong answers, your chance of choosing the right answer is greater.
Answering Questions Don't guess blindly, but if you have time to think about the best answer choice, make it!
Skip, Return, Check If you finish early, check to make sure you have answered all questions.
Key Words Find key words or phrases in the question that will help you choose the correct answer.
A Matter of Time Remember: Your first guess is usually right. If any time remains, spend it on those questions about which you know nothing or almost nothing. As you go back through, do not change all answers. Remember: Your first guess is usually right.
Final Tips Fill in bubbles fully, write neatly, and erase stray marks. Double-check the test number in your test booklet against the answer sheet every few questions to be sure you haven’t gotten on the wrong number.
Thank you, Mr. Know-it-all! Remember it's okay not to know everything — unlike class tests, these tests will have some questions designed to challenge the limits of your knowledge at a grade level above your current grade.
Test Taking Strategies Test 1. What should you do when you do when you begin your test? 2. Identify U-P-S? 3. Name the 3 things you should do the Night before testing? 4. Name 1 thing you should do the morning of the test? 5. If you finish early explain what you should do next? 6. How does the process of elimination work? 7. How do key words and phrases help you on the test?