1 Student Crime Stoppers Do the right thing!
2 Background Student Crime Stoppers is a program that encourages students in High School or College who have information about criminal activity, to call, text, or submit a tip online, to NB Crime Stoppers. call, text, or submit a tip online
3 Objective NB Crime Stoppers wants your help in maintaining the safe environment which exists within all high schools and colleges throughout New Brunswick.
4 Do the right thing! If you have information about a crime committed or being planned in your school, consider helping the victim. Don't let a bully get away with victimizing your school, or your community.
5 Rationale By contacting Crime Stoppers on such crimes as theft, vandalism, drugs, weapons, or assault, you can take an active role in keeping your school safe.
6 REMEMBER Your information will be taken very seriously and in strict confidence. Your anonymity is guaranteed. You never have to give your name, or testify in court. If your tip leads to an arrest or helps solve a crime, you become eligible for a cash award, if desired. NB Crime Stoppers does not have call display, or record any calls. anonymity is guaranteed
7 Crimes that can be solved or prevented with your information are: Sexual/Physical assault Location of stolen property Dating violence/Stalking Misuse of fire alarms School or building threat Poaching/Wildlife offences Drug possessing/trafficking Careless use of firearms Possessing liquor Contraband tobacco Possessing a weapon such as a gun or knife Gang activity Threats/Bullying Bomb threat Fighting or planned fighting Vandalism/Graffiti Suicide threat Arson Child Abuse Damaging or theft of property
Posters Displayed 8
9 How to Submit a Tip TYPE: Submit a tip via the secure online form at TALK: Call toll-free on the confidential and anonymous tipline at TIPS (8477) TAP: Download the free TipSubmit Mobile App on Google Play™ or iTunes™ TEXT: from your cellphone 'TIP212’ plus your information to CRIMES (274637)
10 “Student Crime Stoppers: Make the Call”