Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To shorten by chopping off Synonym: Abbreviate, Clip Antonym: Lengthen, Stretch Sentence: The tailor had to truncate the suit’s sleeves in order to fit the client.
Part of Speech: Adj. Definition: Causing woe: destructive: harmful, deadly Synonym: damaging, noxious Antonym: helpful, beneficial Sentence: The swarm of crickets had a baneful effect on the crops.
Part of Speech: Adj. Definition: Prudent; cautious. Synonym: Heedful, Wary Antonym: Careless, Bold Sentence: The young deer was very circumspect as it crossed the road.
Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To warn or counsel Synonym: Advise, Antonym: Ignore, Let Be Sentence: The man admonished the children to not walk on his lawn.
Part of Speech: Adj. Definition: Of equal value or significance Synonym: Equivalent, Alike Antonym: Opposite, Polar Sentence: 20 nickels are tantamount to 100 pennies.
Part of Speech: Noun Definition: A new word or phrase; a new usage of a word Synonym: Buzz Word, Coinage Antonym: Time-Worn Sentence: Most elderly people would not understand today’s neologism.
Part of Speech: Noun Definition: A period of rest or relief Synonym: Adjournment, Break Antonym: Continuation Sentence: The construction crew decided to take a respite from the building project.
Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To surrender; to give up or give in Synonym: Cave In, Yield Antonym: Resist, Fight Sentence: The wrestler decided he would rather capitulate than black out.
Part of Speech: Noun Definition: A concise statement of truth or principle Synonym: Proverb Antonym: Foolishness Sentence: The old woman liked to share aphorisms with everyone she met.
Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To prove wrong; to refute decisively Synonym: Disprove, Expose Antonym: Affirm, Verify Sentence: The theory that the world is flat was confuted long ago.
Part of Speech: Adj. Definition: Adroit or skillful in the use of the hands or body Synonym: Artful, Nimble Antonym: Clumsy, Awkward Sentence: A potter must be very dexterous to form the perfect pot.
Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To lure; to attract; to tempt in a pleasing fashion Synonym: Seduce, Coax Antonym: Repulse, Disgust Sentence: The pigeons were enticed by the vendors in the market.
Part of Speech: Adj. Definition: Lazy Synonym: Idle, Inactive Antonym: Diligent, Busy Sentence: The sloth at the zoo appeared to be very indolent.
Part of Speech: Adj. Definition: Unenthusiastic; careless Synonym: Impersonal, Apathetic Antonym: Thoughtful, Precise Sentence: The student displayed a perfunctory attitude.
Part of Speech: Adj. Definition: Without liveliness; dull; spiritless Synonym: Bland, Stale Antonym: Lively, Energetic Sentence: Most would agree that elevator music is very vapid.
Part of Speech: Noun Definition: A face or facial expression Synonym: Expression, Appearance Antonym: N/A Sentence: The woman’s visage evoked feelings of terror.
Part of Speech: Adj. Definition: Messy; characteristic of a slob Synonym: Unkempt, Raunchy Antonym: Neat, Orderly Sentence: The hobo was slovenly dressed.
Part of Speech: Adj. Definition: Showing little emotion or pain; Synonym: Blank, Simple Antonym: Emotional, Excited Sentence: Frankenstein was quite a stolid individual.
Part of Speech: Adj. Definition: Untalkative by nature Synonym: Antisocial, Mute Antonym: Chatty, Loquacious Sentence: The old man was incredibly taciturn and looked unfriendly.
Part of Speech: Adj. Definition: Extremely bad; flagrant Synonym: Atrocious, Horrible Antonym: Slight, Minor Sentence: Timmy made the egregious mistake of stealing a cookie from the cookie jar.
The dexterous potter,Mary, was not usually one to be baneful, but in her moments of respite, she decided to entice her taciturn, circumspect, and otherwise stolid friend,Bill, to confute a very solvent, perfunctory person,Frank, about truncating the neologisms for the word admonish. When Mary realized she had made an egregious mistake, Bill had a vapid visage and was ready to unleash many aphorisms to explain the tantamount values of the synonyms. After two minutes, Frank fell over and capitulated. Web. 21 Feb Image Hosting, Free Photo Sharing & Video Sharing at Photobucket. Web. 27 Feb