Lab Safety & Equipment
Rules!!!!!!!! CLOSE TOED SHOES…no flip flops, strappy sandals, grandpa slippers, etc. ALWAYS wear safety glasses in the lab when required. GLASSES rather than contact lenses are suggested DO NOT horse around in lab. KEEP your hands away from your face. Never put anything into your mouth during a lab experiment.
NO VISITING… work with your lab partner/group KNOW the location of the fire extinguisher, fire blanket, eyewash station, and first aid kit. ROLL UP loose sleeves KEEP YOUR WORK AREA uncluttered. Take to the lab station only what is necessary. NO VISITING… work with your lab partner/group NO SIDE EXPERIMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DO NOT USE Chipped or cracked glassware Show it to the teacher. DO NOT THROW Broken glassware in a classroom trashcan. There is a special glass disposal container for it. KEEP GLASSWARE AT LEAST a hands length from the edge NEVER take a big whiff of a substance to smell it . NEVER POUR water into a concentrated acid. Acid should be poured slowly into water.
ALWAYS POINT the top ends of test tubes ALWAYS POINT the top ends of test tubes that are being heated AWAY from people. MOVE TEST TUBES slowly over the flame to distribute the heat evenly. ONLY DRY GLASSWARE should be heated. NO HOT GLASSWARE IN WATER. Rapid cooling may make it shatter. HANDLE HOT OBJECTS with tongs and/or protective gloves NEVER REACH across an open flame or burner.
Let BURNERS AND HOTPLATES COOL down before touching them Let BURNERS AND HOTPLATES COOL down before touching them. Test to see if they are cool enough by bringing the back of your hand close to them. NOTIFY the teacher IMMEDIATELY if there is a chemical spill. NOTIFY the teacher AFTER YOU USE THE EYE WASH if you get an eye splash. NOTIFY the teacher IMMEDIATELY if there is a fire. DO NOT try to extinguish it.
DISPOSE of chemicals as directed by the teacher. CLEAN UP your lab area as directed at the end of the laboratory period. ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS with soap and water. after a lab
LAB WEAR: CLOSED TOED SHOES HAIR TIED BACK NO LOOSE SLEEVES If you show careless disregard for these lab safety procedures, and endanger yourself or someone else in lab, Ms. Stevens will remove you from the class, give you a zero on the lab, and call parents as soon as lab is over.
Erlenmeyer Flask -hold solids or liquids that may release gases during a reaction or that are likely to splatter if stirred or heated.
Beaker -hold solids or liquids that will not release gases when reacted or are unlikely to splatter if stirred or heated.
Graduated Cylinder -used to measure volumes of liquids.
Funnel -used to aid in the transfer of liquid from one vessel to another.
Glass Stir Rod -used to manually stir solutions. -also used to transfer a single drop of a solution.
Test Tube Holder -holds a test tube which is too hot to handle.
Test Tubes 13 x 100 mm test tubes Ignition tube 10 x 75 mm test tubes
Ringstands -safe and convenient way to perform reactions that require heating using a Bunsen burner.
Ringstands Components Iron Rings -connect to a ringstand and provide a stable, elevated platform for the reaction.
Ringstands and their Components Wire Gauze -sits on the iron ring to provide a place to stand a beaker.
Ringstands and their Components Utility Clamps - used to secure test tubes, distillation columns, and burets to the ringstand.
Bunsen Burner -used for the heating of nonvolatile liquids and solids.
Strikers -used to light Bunsen burners. The flints on strikers are expensive. Do not operate the striker repeatedly just to see the sparks!
Watch Glass -used to hold a small amount of solid, such as the product of a reaction.
Wash Bottle -has a spout that delivers a wash solution to a specific area. Distilled water is the only liquid that should be used in a wash bottle.
Beaker Tongs -are used to move beakers containing hot liquids
Evaporating Dish -used for the heating of stable solid compounds and elements.
Crucible - used for heating certain solids, particularly metals, to very high temperatures.
Safety Symbols Eye Protection Sharp Objects Electrical Safety Wear safety goggles when working with chemicals, flames, or heating devices. If a chemical gets in your eye, flush in water for 15 minutes and notify the teacher. Sharp Objects When using knifes or other sharp objects always walk with the points facing down. Cut away from fingers and body. Electrical Safety Do not place a cord where someone can trip over it. Never use electricity around water. Unplug all equipment before leaving the room.
Safety Symbols Animal Safety Heating Safety Only handle living organisms with teacher permission. Always treat living organisms humanely. Wash your hands after handling animals. Heating Safety Tie back hair and loose clothes when working with open flames. Never look into a container as you are heating it. Heated metal and glass looks cool, use tongs or gloves before handling. Never leave a heat source unattended.
Safety Symbols Chemical Safety Hand Safety Plant Safety Read all labels twice before removing a chemical from the container. Never touch, taste, or smell a chemical unless instructed by the teacher. Transfer chemicals carefully! Hand Safety If a chemical spills on your skin, notify the teacher and rinse with water for 15 minutes. Carry glassware carefully. Plant Safety Do not eat any plants in lab. Wash your hands after handling plants.