What causes a person to have autism? Does obese or being hypertensive or diabetic have anything to do with this? report states obesity and autism are on the rise, and I believe the connection between the two likely stops there. But Dr. Susan Hyman of the University of Rochester Medical Center, thinks it is caused by an interaction of multiple genetic and environmental influences Some people think kids get it Autism because of vaccines.
What can you do to help a child that has Autism. Try to figure out what kind of autism the child may have. They might need a cool down room where all the walls and the floor is padded so they can throw a fit and not hurt themselves. Children with autism like their hands and head rubbed. You need to help them learn what’s right from wrong because they may not understand things like we do.
Things that teen or children like to do if they have autism Some kids like to spin in circle’s They also like to spin objects, like bottles or something round The kids like different textures like playdoh and koosh balls, but many do not Some kids are also over sensitive to different textures. Many like lights and sparkles. You should do a large variety of things.
Some fears of children with autism Some of the kids are not fearful, they don’t fear any danger. They have difficulty interacting with other peers. They might have insensitive emotions to pain. How they will act when they enter a new building
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