Redefine Your VoIP Experience A Product of E-Soft Billing Pvt. Ltd.
Contents 3. Requirement 4. How Secured It 2. Performance 1. Special Features 5. Remember
BillingRevenueRouting iSoftSwitch Transcoding
Special Features: It Supports SIP Protocol It does Codec conversion on purchased License. Balance & Minute Announce Before call It has 3 Level Reseller as like VSR Route Failover Prefix Based Call-limit: Advance Call Limit
Profit Protection : Protect if Sell rate lower than buy rate No-Minus Balance for wholesale Customizable Multiple Portal for multiple brand based on XML-RPC Support Trouble Ticket Management Network tools:- PING, Trace route Customize Work Flow like Balance Alert/Auto Refill/Auto Route Disable Special Features(2)
Special Features(3) Invoice Management Fully Accounting Profit & Loss User Based Routing Smart Routing Strategy: -Priority Based Routing -Random Routing -LCR Routing -Quality Routing -Capacity Shared Routing
Special Features(4) 4 Level Administration -Operator -Support -Accountant -Admin Mass Mail to All reseller/Gk Client/GW Client Auto Sign Up Module Face book style Activity Stream
Special Features(5) Real-Time ASR & ACD Auto Route Disable if ASR goes down Web Firewall to protect Admin Panel Direct VSR Tariff Import Linksys ATA Provision- Fully Control on Business Linksys SPA2102 works directly with iSoftSwitch in UAE without any other software
Performance: iSoftSwitch can handle 2000 concurrent calls on wholesale setup on Xeon Processor iSoftSwitch can handle 1000 concurrent calls on Media mode as well as Wholesale Calls Per Second(CPS) is 30
Requirements: Apache PHP 5.X CentOS bit or 64 bit MySQL Database Server 5.X
Hardware: Minimum Hardware Requirements: Processor: Core 2 Quad Q8200 HDD: 160GB HDD RAM: 4GB DDR2
How Secured It? Web Server -Use HTTPS -Protected SQL Injection -Web Firewall through iSoftSwitch Database -No remote Login -No common Database Port -Tune with best performance
How Secured It? OS Security: -Do not use root as login -Change ssh port -Use VPN account to connect from a single public IP to your server -Use Firewall to protect all port except SIP and RTP port -Disable all service which is not needed
How Secured It? SIP Security -Use Different port for Register -Use Different port for Wholesale -Use fail2ban to protect SIP Bomb
How Secured It? Last But not least Is your personal computer secured? Use ubuntu or any Linux based operating system to prevent from virus Use Commercial service rather than free service Do not keep your password in the REMEMBER, Personal Information security is required ALL THE TIME
Remember PARTIAL SECURITY IS NOT 100% SECURED You can loose million of dollars for careless. Try to use professional service rather than free service. A Small changes can make a big difference. Save BIG $$$$ to expense small $.