Australian habitats Danger in the Outback Venomous Animals Keeping Safe
What dangerous creatures do you think will live in this habitat? SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
Venom is what helps venomous creatures to survive. Some inject it into their prey by using their fangs and others use venom to ward off their attackers. SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
The Australian desert scorpion catches insects and worms with its pincers. It uses its sting tipped tail mainly to defend itself or to stun its prey. Luckily, it’s rare for people to be stung (unless they are careless) and the desert scorpion’s venom, although painful, is quite weak. The Desert Scorpion SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
Venomous animals can be very dangerous if they are disturbed by humans and feel threatened but, most of the time, they are hidden away and not often seen. Everyone in Australia knows how important it is to take care when picking up piles of leaves or even putting on their shoes and socks in the morning! SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
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